6 Ways to Boost Your Association's Membership Engagement

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6 Ways to Boost Your Association's Membership Engagement

Content Specialist.
6 minutes read
Last updated: September 25, 2023

Boosting membership engagement continues to to be a vital aspect when it comes to wanting to retain your organization's members. Your team works endlessly to begin and build a strong relationship between you and your members, you don't want to see those members leave due to lack of membership engagement.

As we discussed in Membership Retention Strategies, membership engagement and membership retention go hand in hand. When your organization has a member that feels a personal connection to the company due to the high membership engagement, they are more likely to renew their membership in the future. But how are you supposed to raise membership engagement for your organization? Here we will talk about six essential ways that are sure to boost your engagement and have your members always wanting to renew their contract!

1. Membership Challenges and Rewards

membership engagement tips

We've all been there, completing a certain task for a program that we belong to in order to win something with little to no monetary value just to say we achieved a set goal. Although a minimal expense and effort from the organization, challenges that come with rewards can mean a lot for the individual member and positively affect their overall outlook on how they are treated by the organization.

John Lincoln Marketing has a great article with 26 simple and cost-saving contest ideas to boost social engagement with your own organization! Our personal favorite would be giving out prizes for people that either like/follow your page. This not only gets your personal followers excited, but it also draws increased awareness of your social media page with the level of engagement taken upon your posts. Prizes for this can be super simple, like a $25 gift card to Target!

Although contests are usually more exciting for either the winners or participants, they can also serve as publicity for your organization when it comes to brand awareness and reeling in new members. According to HubSpot's 5+ Stats to Know Before Running Your Next Social Media Contest:

  • An average of 34% of new members are acquired through a contest campaign
  • 1/3 of the entrants that participate, agree to receive information from the organization and their partners

Not only are you boosting your current members' engagement in the organization by having them participate in these contests, but you are also actively engaging those who may not have been a part of your organization beforehand.

2. Consistent Contact for Membership Engagement

membership engagement strategies

Your organization should be treating membership engagement as an ongoing activity so members are able to engage 24/7. There needs to be a consistent effort from the organization to be reaching out to their individual members in order to actively boost membership engagement.

To do this, first, begin selecting your communication channels. All of your communication should not be coming from a single source. It should be coming from multiple platforms such as; email, social media posts, website updates online, and even physical mail.

Make sure and measure success with regular analytics on what communication platforms are being looked at the most, choose to run the majority of the information through that channel.

3. Membership Management Software

Boosting membership engagement is all about building relationships and encouraging action in your company. This begins with a seamless event management program that will have all your events running with ease.

membership engagement ideas

Glue Up can automatically help you create an attractive event page


Glue Up offers all of these event management functions and more, within a single platform. With full customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities making it easy to invite or upload lists of people you would like to have at your event, it makes planning events much easier. Not only that but you will be able to manage all of your organization's finances and ticketing of the event from the same platform. The easy generation of event pages using your own content combines professionalism with ease and is user-friendly.

Not convinced? Have a look at our Event Management Software for Business: Your 8 Best Options article to find your perfect fit!

Convinced? Book a Demo today and get a tour of the Glue Up membership management platform.


4. Enable Push Notifications

membership engagement has gone digital

With the digital age continuing to expand, we are in a world where there is almost always an app for everything. And if there isn't an app, there is most likely someone in the world developing an app at this very moment. Not only are apps popular, but they are becoming essential for organizations wanting to create engagement with their audience. With U.S. users spending up to five hours on their smartphone, and 89% of that coming from apps, this creates the perfect opportunity for organizations to conveniently access their users at all times.

Whether they be a member of the specific organization or not, people look to their phone for everything nowadays. And when they are not looking at their phone, your organization should have an app that allows for convenient access to the information you are trying to convey.

By making a mobile app for your organization, this will not only create active membership engagement but it is necessary for the organization to grow. Check out this GuideBook article for a list of some of the top features that will make your organizations app more successful!

5. Active Communities Create the Highest Membership Engagement

membership engagement

As an organization, it is beneficial for both parties to communicate with the members and vice-versa. But, it is even more important that the members of the organization are given the opportunity to communicate with one another. They joined because of the values they share with each other and the overarching sense of belonging they wish to be a part of. You as an organization can help quicken this bond by having both an active local and online community!

For local groups, this is generally done by having regular in-person meetings. But, when it comes to national or international organizations with members from all around the world, it can get kind of hard. The majority of the communication process will be through forums by encouraging membership engagement and participating in shared content. But, when you do have an annual convention, make sure your event runs smoothly using our Event Management Program. This will have all of your small and large scale events running with ease using our; event website builder, invitations, onsite check-in/badge printing, mobile app assistance, and registration and payment information. All within a singular platform.

6. Membership Engagement Surveys

Of course the best way for members to get more engaged in an organization is if current members are asked what it will take for them to be more engaged within the organization. If these current members are surveyed, it will be easier to focus on the issues that impact their current engagement with the organization.

membership engagement goals

For this reason, we recommend frequent membership engagement surveys to improve the results of your organization. Follow up on you members' suggestions in order to continue the credibility of your work.

By using these 6 strategies to boost membership engagement, you will continue to put focus on your organization's involvement and investment into your member's wellbeing. By demonstrating that your organization genuinely cares about its members, your members will feel cared about and better involved with the community they signed up for.

Not only will these strategies boost membership engagement but, they will boost membership retention with the heightened quality in membership care!

Interested in taking your engagement digital? Book a demo today and we'll show you how Glue Up's membership engagement platform works.

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