27 Chamber of Commerce Website Solution Must-Haves

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27 Chamber of Commerce Website Solution Must-Haves

Marketing Intern.
Content Writer
10 minutes read
Last updated: September 20, 2024

In order for chambers of commerce to remain significant in the technological era we live in today, it’s imperative that their websites are well-designed and provide an intuitive experience. Not only should your chamber website be visually appealing, it should also provide real value to your members. Although there are certain website design elements that all organizations should follow, there are also items particular to a chamber of commerce website. Let’s take a look at 20 chamber website must-haves that help create an informational and professional website that drives membership and traffic.

Want to make sure your association, chamber, or nonprofit website is up to par? Use the Glue Up and HubSpot online website grading tool. We'll assess your website's performance, security, mobile optimization, and SEO and provide you with scores and practical improvement tips. We also offer a free consultation to help you make the most of your website.

Key Takeaways

  • Chamber websites must be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and SEO-optimized to attract and retain members.
  • Essential features include membership directories, event pages, contact info, and an easy "Join Now" option for better engagement.
  • Tools like job boards, feedback forms, and payment integration add value and increase revenue for chambers.
  • Ensure websites are accessible to all and use analytics to improve user experience and track performance.
  • Glue Up offers an all-in-one website solution with SEO, project management, and real-time analytics to enhance chamber operations and engagement.

Great Overall Design



Great overall design is the first chamber website must-have. The design and usability of your website will have an impact on perceived value and trust levels; the better your website design and usability, the more people believe in your credibility.

The key to building an excellent online reputation for your chamber is to provide a good looking website that always functions perfectly. The color scheme should be well-defined, the layout and topography consistent, images clear, and the content easy to read.

Easy-to-Use Content Management Systems



Your content management system (CMS) is the backbone of your design. It needs to be easy to use, search engine friendly, and include the functionality needed to provide your community with everything they need to engage with your website.

Your CMS should include a publishing platform that is easy to use, allowing both your chamber and your members to publish relevant news. It should also have key functionality which includes the ability to categorize content, an easy-to-use directory, event listings, etc.

Search Engine Optimization



Search engine optimization (SEO) is another one of the top chamber website must-haves. Research consistently finds that more than 90% of online interactions begin with the use of a search engine. Therefore, you must establish foundational SEO elements throughout the design and development of your website.

Click here to learn more about SEO and its benefits.

Navigation within your website should be intuitive and allow visitors to easily move from one page to the next. An easy way to test the navigability of your website is to ask someone who didn’t design the website to find out when your next event is and how to join. If they can’t find this out in three minutes or less, this shows your website is difficult to navigate.

Mobile-Friendly Design



These days, websites are accessed as often by mobile as they are by computer. Therefore, it’s essential that your website is mobile-friendly. To ensure that your website looks great and functions flawlessly on any device, the site needs to be built upon a responsive framework.

A search bar option is a must-have for those who prefer to get right to the point versus browsing through menu selections. But remember it’s vital that you get an intuitive search bar that will improve user experience, there's no point having a search bar of mediocre quality.

Welcome Message

Featuring a welcome message from the Board President or other executive member of the chamber enables you to provide readers with absolute and positive reasons to join your chamber. It should also demonstrate exactly how they will benefit from their association with your chamber.

When writing your welcome message, try to avoid fancy words, clichés, and broad statements. Instead state clearly the chamber’s mission in a strong, problem-solution statement.

Join Now

Potential members who visit your website should encounter a seamless sign-up process that allows them to join at any time 24/7. A clear and concise action button should be included on every page with a link that will take them to the registration form and method of payment. If the sign-up process isn't seamless or the page easy to find, potential members may be discouraged from signing-up!

Contact Information



All of your contact information should be available on your website so people can easily reach out to you with any questions or queries. This should include a mailing address, email addresses, and phone numbers. It’s equally important that you try to ensure that all contact information elsewhere on the internet is the same so that your chamber is consistently recognized.

Directory with a Map

To drive community engagement, you should offer a document with comprehensive information about businesses and landmarks in the community. This can be done in one of three ways; alphabetically, categorically, or by date of membership. The most user-friendly is to provide the directory in two formats - alphabetically and by category - because this allows users to search by either company name or industry.

Up-to-date Content

It’s imperative that all of your information is up-to-date, whether it’s information from inside or outside of your chamber. This way your website can become an important community-wide resource that informs people of what is happening throughout the community.

Event Page



Your event page is a chamber website must-have as it can help bring different aspects of the community together. In addition to a community-wide calendar of events, you should showcase the events specific to your chamber as well as highlight the next upcoming event. Once again remember to make sure that your event calendar is kept up-to-date!

Member Profile Page

A member profile page is one of the essential chamber website must-haves. This is because networking within communities is essential to the success of any business. Having a member profile page that includes company names, logos, services or products offered, contact information and a map showing their location will make your website a valuable resource for members and visitors alike.

Membership Page

Having a membership page will help tell the story of your chamber and provide information to drive new membership. This page should include; the history of your chamber, reasons why someone should become a member, member testimonials, and a list of board members.

Staff Page

Although this page may not always be considered essential to a chamber website, it is in fact very important. People like to know who they’re connecting with and this page will add some personality to your website that will encourage new memberships.

Pictures and Videos

This page is most certainly a chamber website must-have! Studies have shown that while people only remember 20% of what they read, they remember 80% of the images they see.

Having photos and videos of your community will bring your chamber and neighborhood to life. But please remember to feature only high-quality images and videos. There’s nothing worse than a blurry photo or video!


A blog page is one of the most important chamber website must-haves! It’s a way for you to both acquire new readers and retain regulars to your site. Moreover, providing high-quality content on a regular basis will have a positive impact on your number of membership leads.

Another bonus of blogging is the increased ability to gain local links that will help you earn rankings with search engines. Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website than those who don't.

Social Integration



Links to your social media pages are a must-have! The simple act of being able to share and like your chamber’s content will increase community engagement. But only list the social media accounts that you post to regularly. If your link leads to a page that doesn't have recently added content, people may wonder if you’re still around.

You should include social share buttons on pages such as your event page and blog page. This encourages members to share events they’re attending or blog posts they found interesting.

FAQ Page

A FAQ page is crucial as it offers a timely resolution to common questions. It should be a source from which viewers can quickly find out more about your chamber and community.

Tip: use a conversational tone and active voice to create a comfortable forum.


Establishing a way for businesses to advertise on your website is a great way to drive revenue growth for your chamber. You can sell space on your website for banners, sponsored content, and sponsorships for different events.

You can also offer mentions and spotlights of local business members on your social media accounts.

Member-Only Resources

Provide exclusive content and resources for members to add value to your chamber's membership

These resources can include industry reports, downloadable guides, and special tools that are only accessible to members. 

A well-structured members-only section encourages more users to join while also improving member retention by offering valuable content tailored to their needs.

Online Payment Integration

An online payment integration solution is crucial for facilitating secure and seamless transactions on your website. 

An integrated payment system allows members and non-members to complete transactions easily, whether for membership dues, event registrations, or donations. 

Offering a range of payment options, such as credit cards, direct transfers, and digital wallets, enhances user convenience and boosts your chamber’s revenue.

Feedback and Survey Tools

Gathering feedback from your members and website visitors is key to understanding their needs and improving your services. 

So, integrating survey tools directly into your website allows you to easily collect opinions and insights on specific programs, events, or general satisfaction. This information is invaluable for refining your offerings and ensuring your chamber is meeting its members' expectations.

Accessibility Features

A chamber of commerce website must be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. 

Incorporating features such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and color contrast adjustments confirms that your website complies with accessibility standards like WCAG. 

Not only does this enhance inclusivity, but it also broadens your reach to a wider audience.

Analytics and Reporting

Understanding how your website is performing is essential for continuous improvement. Analytics tools, like Google Analytics or built-in reporting features, provide insights into user behavior, popular pages, and traffic sources. 

This data helps chambers refine their content, optimize the user experience, and make informed decisions about where to invest time and resources.

Secure Login Area



A secure login area allows members to access exclusive content, manage their membership, and register for events. 

This protected section of the website ensures that sensitive information, like personal data and payment details, remains secure. 

A well-designed login portal also provides a seamless and personalized experience for members, encouraging engagement and satisfaction.

Newsletter Signup



A newsletter signup form is a simple yet powerful way to keep members and visitors engaged with your chamber. 

Apart from offering valuable content and updates through a newsletter, you can maintain communication with your audience and increase website traffic. 

A well-positioned signup form encourages visitors to stay connected, increasing the reach and influence of your chamber’s activities.

Optimize Your Chamber of Commerce Website with Glue Up’s Website Solution



A strong online presence is a must for engaging your members and growing your Chamber of Commerce. 

With Glue Up’s website solution, you can upgrade to a professional, mobile-responsive website that enhances user experience and boosts member engagement

Designed specifically for Chambers of Commerce, Glue Up provides all the tools your community needs to thrive online.

Here’s what Glue Up’s website solution offers:

Easy Setup

Get your website up and running quickly with a user-friendly setup process.

SEO Optimized

Ensure your Chamber’s website is easily discoverable by search engines to increase visibility and attract more members.

Job Boards

Provide a dedicated space for local businesses and members to post and find job opportunities.


A fully responsive design ensures your website looks great on any device, improving accessibility for your members on the go.

Project Manager

Keep all your projects organized and on track with an integrated project management feature.

Rapid Prototyping

Quickly develop and test new ideas for your website with rapid prototyping, allowing for continuous improvement.


Customize your website to fit the unique needs of your Chamber and community.


Adapt and scale your website with ease as your Chamber grows and evolves.

Improved Member Experience

Provide a seamless and engaging experience for your members, encouraging repeat visits and deeper engagement.

Competitive Edge

Stay ahead of the competition with a modern, fully functional website that highlights your Chamber's value and services.

To learn more about how Glue Up can transform your Chamber's online presence, book a demo.

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