20 Ways to Gauge Customer Engagement with Digital

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20 Ways to Gauge Customer Engagement with Digital

Product and Content Marketing Specialist.
8 minutes read
Last updated: February 13, 2024

What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is the connection between an organization and a customer, most importantly, the emotional connection. The more positive interactions your organization has with your customers, the stronger the positive emotional connections will be. This will influence them to buy and promote more, as well as, be more loyal to your organization.

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Why is Customer Engagement Important?

Customer engagement is important within your organization because fully engaged customers can bring in up to 23% more revenue than the average ones. In addition, customer engagement is important because highly engaged customers will be more loyal to your organization and will be able to market to others for you.

Highly engaged customers will grow with your organization and provide consistent support with it. They will continuously purchase your products and become repeat customers which can increase your revenue. You can expect a higher potential for you to attract new ones in return. 

Website Engagement

website engagement

Your website is not only a great platform for you to reach out to new potential customers, but also a place for you to gauge your customer engagement. There are many KPI's on it that you can utilize to demonstrate the amount customer engagement.

Visit Frequency

This KPI is a strong reflection of the value that your website content holds for your customers. The higher frequency your customers visit your website, the more engagement you have with them.

However, do not rely on this KPI alone, since using visit frequency as your only KPI does not fully reflect your customer engagement. 

Repeat User

Measuring the number of Repeat User is a KPI that can be used in tandem with visit frequency to determine the amount of new users and repeat users visiting your website.

This KPI is important because it shows that your customers are not one time users, but are frequent buyers because they find value in your website. 

Bounce Rate

This KPI measures the total number of single page sessions divided by the number of total website sessions. It's an indicator that shows you the percentage of users who leave your site after one page.

A high bounce rate means that the information on your website is not relevant or valuable to your customers.

Time on Site

The longer your customers spend time on your website, the more engaged they are with the information there. This tells you that they are more likely to purchase your product or service.

Staying long on your page shows a positive KPI, which can also impact your SEO positively. This is an important metric to measure when gauging customer engagement.

Pages per Session

The more pages your customers tend to browse through on your website each time they visit, the more likely your content is relevant. The higher the number, the more engaged your customer is with your organization. As they browse more pages per session, your SEO will improve, ultimately enhacing the quality of your traffic.

Engaging with Content

How your customers engage with the content on your website is also an important metric to measure customer engagement. This type of content engagement can include downloading whitepapers and blog post views.

Furthermore, it allows your organization to see what content your customers are drawn to, allowing you to continue producing the same ones and increase engagement.

Glue Up website solution solves all of these problem very effectively. Our websites are not just feature rich, but performance optimized that loads fast and are built in the latest web technologies with enterprise-grade security. Along with a rich and powerful website, consider implementing software that will increase customer satisfaction and help them resolve any issues or perform content analysis on multiple platforms

Social Media Engagement

social media engagement

Your organization’s social media platforms can be used for promoting your products or services, as well as, measuring your customer engagement. Most social media platforms also include a business account setting that can be used to track useful KPI’s that can help you easily measure your customer engagement. 


Not highly different from website views, views on your social media platforms' posts can show the amount of potential customers you are reaching.

This metric alone is not a substantial measurement for customer engagement, but combined with the next few metrics, you will be able to gauge your customer engagement on your social platforms.


Likes on your social media platform are a good way to measure your customer engagement KPI’s. When people enjoy your post and see value in it, they will most probably hit the like button.

When certain posts gain more likes than others, your organization will be able to recognize what content your customers value and continue to produce those types of content to increase engagement.


Comments are reserved for customers who engage with you in a more direct manner on your social media platforms. Those who comment on your posts are usually highly interested in your content and could be asking questions about your products or services.

However, you may need to filter through bots, or negative comments on your posts to find positive comments needed to measure your customer engagement.


Customers who share your social media content show that they like your posts, and they are recommending and discussing it with their social circle. This is a very positive form of customer engagement because more value is attached to your content when they are excited to tell it to others. The more shares you get, the higher amount of customer engagement you will be receiving.

App Engagement

App Engagement

Your mobile apps can also be a digital platform for you to be able to gauge your customer engagement. With people on average spending over 2 hours on mobile apps a day, the ability to gauge customer engagement through this platform would be highly beneficial.


The number of downloads from your mobile app is a good statistic to understand in relation to customer engagement. Only customers who value your content and brand are likely to download it.

Since people have limited space on their smartphones, a customer who has downloaded your app, has weighed the opportunity costs and picked your app over others.

Usage Time

The amount of time your customers use your app is also a great indicator of the customer engagement you are receiving from them. The more time they spend on it, the more engaged they are as they see value in it.

A higher usage also can lead to more sales because they could be actively looking for what they want.


In every mobile app store there is a way to rate the apps, typically out of 5 stars. A higher rating means that your app platform works well, and can indicate that customers find your app essential.

This leads to a higher amount of customer engagement and would be a good indicator for your organization to gauge customer engagement.

Event Engagement

Event Engagement

Event participation is a direct way for you to easily track your customer engagement. Since events take up your customer’s time, they will most likely only participate if they are interested in the content that your organization produces.

This makes it a prime way to track customer engagement because uninterested customers will not be involved in these events.

Event Registration

A higher number of customer registrations to your events can show a higher level of customer engagement. However, event registration alone cannot fully show the scope of your event participation, check-ins are just as important to exhibit your organizations customer engagement.


Check-ins indicate the number of participants that actually show up to your events. This is an important number to keep track of because this shows how many customers are interested enough in your content to not only register for event, but also to show up to your event the day it is hosted. Customers who check in to your events are highly engaged with your organization.

Questions Asked

The amount of questions asked during your events can also demonstrate customer engagement for your organization. When people are interested and engaged in the content, they are more likely to have inquiries about the post.

However, when counting the number of questions asked, do not include questions that are not relevant to the content presented because this will not be reflective of your customer engagement.

Survey Respondents

People who are more engaged with your organization are more likely to respond to surveys you send out. Customers who reply and write comprehensive answers to your survey’s open-ended response questions are the most engaged customers. A successful survey can help you analyze the amount of customer engagement.

Marketing Statistics

marketing statistics

Marketing statistics are important in any organization’s customer engagement tracking strategy. These numbers are often readily available in most businesses. These KPI's will assist you in tracking customer engagement as well as retention for your organization.

Conversion Rate

This is calculated by taking the number of conversions you had, and dividing that number by the amount of total ad interactions.

This KPI can help you gauge customer engagement through your ads because only engaged and potential customers you have piqued the interest of with your ads will convert into your own organization’s customers.

Net Promoter Score

This statistic will be very useful for your organization to find the amount of engaged customers. Net Promoter Score is the willingness of your customers to recommend your organization’s product and services to others. This score will be useful to gauge your customer engagement because only the most engaged customers will promote your organization.

Monthly Active User

Tracking engaged customers can also be as simple as monitoring the number of monthly active users you have. By watching this number rise and fall, you can observe how engaged your customers are.

Active users are engaged customers because they are interested in your information and services which is why they stay active.

Value of Engaged Customers

engaged customer value

Highly engaged customers are of immense value to your organization. These customers will continually see the value in your organization as you grow and you also must provide them with the level of engagement they expect.

This cycle of providing value to one another allows both your customer and your organization to benefit from one another and grow. Keep your customers highly engaged and you will see your organization skyrocket in popularity and value.

Are you looking to find ways to provide value and engage your customers through an all-in-one software to grow your community? Book a demo with Glue Up today, and we'll show you how our platform has been helping thousands of customers with their digital engagement.

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