How IACC Karnataka Transformed Membership with Glue Up

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How IACC Karnataka Transformed Membership with Glue Up

Growth Marketeer.
5 minutes read
Last updated: December 05, 2023

This success story is a result of feedback received from the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce Karnataka .

The IACC Karnataka came to Glue Up at a point where they were looking for a system to help them manage their numerous events. They wanted to engage better with the attendees in order to expand their network and grow their membership.

IACC Karnataka wanted a system in place which could automate their membership process and give a better experience to their members who have decided to associate with them and are from big corporate organizations. A long-lasting relationships with members and non-members and in return generating revenue eventually lead to a shift to Glue Up.

IACC Karnataka Seeks New Event Solutions In holding many events each month, as more chambers of commerce do, the IACC Karnataka approached Glue Up with the issue of poor engagement with attendees, seeking to automate this pain point, and leveraging more digital features to expand their network and grow attendee numbers in future events.

Majority of attendees at IACC Karnataka events are representing large corporations and organizations in India and even from around the world. With this level of attendee quality, an improved level of user experience was the expressive core value that the IACC was seeing in the hunt for a new solution.


The Solution: An All-in-One Event Management Platform

In response to these requirements, Glue Up was quick to approach the problem with its Event Management platform, wherein all necessary back-end and user-facing features are integrated together into an all-in-one platform that helps to automate event management. The platform is a combination of best tools in the event industry like CRM, Event web page creation, email marketing, ticketing & registration, and much more.

The Glue Up platform starts at the contact level with its built-in CRM, which is the center of all its integrations. All updates to contact details from the other modules feed the CRM, and automatically update contacts as they respond to emails & events from IACC's Glue Up account. The constant updating of contact info with real-time data keeps everything up to date, allowing for smarter engagement in the future. For instance, the IACC can now see who in their contact list attended a previous event in a series so that they could email their previous attendees who may possibly be more inclined to attend again.

The event page module is a combination of best practices in digital web page design specifically for events, by keeping templates easy to understand and deploy. This is not the value, however. The real value comes from the ability to take content from event pages and re-purpose and recycle them in other content. For instance, if IACC Karnataka wants to create an event invitational email in the email campaign module, the platform will generate an invite email will all the blanks filled in with the selected event's details and content. This includes images, text, and colors so that an invite email only takes minutes to send to attendees without having to be manually created.

Relaxed event list maintanence

Since implementing Glue Up into their membership and event management process, IACC Karnataka staff report lists being more useful than they were in their previous processes, easing staff stress over event promotion. A recent event run with the Glue Up mobile QR code check-in method went smoothly, and up to 6 members were renewed via automated renewal reminders being sent by the Glue Up platform to members who were running close to the end of their membership terms.

Chambers like the IACC Karnataka often find themselves in dire need of upgrades due to the aging and tiring methods of manual contact list updating, membership management and more. With Glue Up, IACC can now not only track and management member, but it can also leverage automation to make its recurring revenue more attainable without needing to manually reach out to each member to renew their membership. This also creates smarter lists for IACC Karnataka as it can now track user actions both on the website and at events, which makes it easier to target members and contacts based on their actions.

This is a common tactic that event organizers use to get attendees from past events to show up to future events and build a highly engaged audience and membership for any organization.

About the IACC The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), established in 1968, is the apex bi-lateral Chamber synergizing India-US Economic Engagement. It was started by Ambassador Chester Bowles along with the then Industry leaders and visionaries like Mr. S L Kirloskar, Mr. Harish Mahindra, Mr. H. P. Nanda, Mr. Ambalal Kilachand, Mr. A. M. M. Arunachalam, Mr. Frederick Fales and Mr. John Oris Sims for enhancing US India Economic Engagement. Today IACC has a pan-India presence with 2400 members, representing a cross-section of US and Indian Industry.


To be the principal bilateral chamber committed to the promotion of industrial, economic, business and commercial activities between the united states of America and India


  • To serve the business needs of our members.
  • To act as a catalyst in promoting economic growth between the two countries.
  • To protect and promote the collective bilateral need and interests of the Indo-US business community
  • To effectively lobby with two governments on significant bilateral issues affecting Indo-US commerce


“The best of the best software’s have failed miserably due to lack of handholding during implementation. We are glad to have partnered with Glue Up as the entire team is very responsive.” 
Mohan Rajamani, IACC, Sr. Vice Chairman

If you would like to explore how Glue Up can help your Chamber of Commerce or association, contact us, and we’ll show you how an all-in-one chamber of commerce management sftware solution fits into your strategy.

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