The Importance of Professional Networking for Association Success

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The Importance of Professional Networking for Association Success

Marketing Content Specialist.
Content Strategist
7 minutes read
Last updated: June 26, 2024

Last Updated: March 22, 2024


The best way for associations to open themselves to new opportunities is through professional networking. It helps you connect with prospective members, stay relevant in a competitive world, and gain better access to industry resources.

Keep in mind that to build connections successfully, you need to have the right knowledge and skills.

Read on to learn about the benefits of professional networking for associations and get tips to help your association network better.

Key Takeaways

  • Professional networking helps you gain visibility, attract potential members, generate leads for sponsors and partners, strengthen support networks, and stay ahead in the industry.
  • You can boost their chances of attracting new members through networking, with at least 85% of people joining associations this way.
  • Reach out to existing contacts like members, volunteers, and supporters for new connections, craft a good 60-second elevator speech about their mission and value, and establish a professional network online through sites like Meetup.
  • Hosting virtual business networking events allows for greater audience reach and attendance rates up to 10 times higher than in-person events. 87% of marketers said virtual events generated new opportunities.
  • Speed networking events, which can be hosted on platforms like Glue Up, are one of the most convenient ways for associations to rapidly expand their professional contacts and connect members for one-on-one chats.

The Benefits of Professional Networking

Professional networking offers plenty of benefits, especially if your association wants to grow its membership or increase its influence in the industry. These include:

Makes You Noticeable

Regularly engaging in networking activities can help your association gain visibility and attract the attention of potential members, sponsors, and partners.

It also helps you consistently show up and contribute to industry conversations, thus making your association more noticeable and increasing your chances of being remembered when opportunities arise.

Attracts Potential Members

According to professional networking statistics, you can boost your chances of attracting new members through networking. In fact, at least 85% of people have joined organizations through networking.

Furthermore, professional networking can expose your association to potential members that you can't reach through traditional marketing channels.

When discussing your association with people in your network, let them know about the benefits of membership.

Make sure to mention your association's expertise and track record, and be vocal about how open you are to new members.

Generate Leads

Next, associations can generate leads for potential sponsors, partners, and exhibitors through professional networking.

Fortunately, some people can be willing to offer some help, especially if you're looking for new contacts in the industry.

But aside from that, they may even go out of their way to provide your association with valuable expertise and resources.

Keep in mind, however, to submit sponsorship and partnership proposals modestly. Follow up on leads with courtesy and value other people's time in a professional manner.

Strengthens Your Support Network

Building a strong professional network can provide your association with a valuable support system.

You can learn from peers and industry leaders about how to overcome challenges and achieve your organization's objectives by connecting with them.

Stay Ahead in The Industry

Professional networking can help your association stay ahead in the industry through technology and allow you to keep up with trends.

Also, building professional relationships can give your association access to inside information vital to operating in the modern world.

7 Statistics That Show Why Networking Is Important for Associations

LinkedIn has a global reach of over 1 billion users, with the U.S. being its largest market, which shows that all professionals look for networking.

Here are some more recent stats that would help you understand the importance of networking for associations:

  1. 41.3% of working professionals in business-related programs use LinkedIn as their primary networking tool. [Techjury]
  2. Companies that invest in face-to-face networking meetings earn $12.5 on every dollar they invest. [Novoresume]
  3. 70% of the time, networking presents new opportunities for business owners. [Novoresume]
  4. B2B Networking helps build brand visibility and recognition among potential partners and customers. [Fit Small Businesses]
  5. For 72.5% of conference organizers, the success of their recent gatherings is attributed to their event management platform. [Fit Small Businesses]
  6. Networking ranks fifth among the things that attendees seek in online events. [Fit Small Businesses]
  7. Successful mentorship opportunities have been secured through in-person networking connections for 65% of professionals. [MarketSplash]

5 Tips for Building a Strong Professional Network for Your Association

1. Contact People You Have Already Met

Reach out to members, volunteers, sponsors, partners, and other supporters when seeking new connections. They may offer your association new opportunities or introduce you to key influencers in the industry.

Think of the different tools that can help your association stay connected like member meetups, emails, phone calls, handwritten letters, and social gatherings, which can effectively nurture relationships.

2. Craft a Good Elevator Speech

elevator speech

An elevator speech is a summary of your association's mission, accomplishments, and value that you can deliver in 60 seconds.

Start by knowing what your goals are when promoting your association to others. For instance, it can be a way of telling prospective members about the benefits you offer.

On the other hand, you can use it to pitch partnership opportunities to sponsors. It can also be a way to simply explain what your association does.

When making one, include your association's history, focus areas, and other relevant facts in the introduction. Mention your key initiatives and the type of people and organizations you serve as well.

3. Establish a Professional Network Online

professional network online

Professional networking sites can be a useful tool for staying in touch with your association's network and for creating new connections.

Keep in mind that making an online connection is only the beginning. There are still many ways you should do to maintain and grow it.

Meetup is a platform that lets you search for local meetups. All you have to do is to choose your association's interests upon registration.

It will then notify you of any local meetups that might interest your association, as they are created. A variety of topics can include your industry, member interests, and many more.

However, if nothing appears interesting enough, your association can opt to set one on your own as it suits your schedule. It will notify if there's anyone interested in the same topic.

4. Host a Virtual Networking Event

Be open to hosting or engaging in virtual events for professionals as they give your association greater audience reach.

It's a convenient way for participants to attend your association's networking events from the comfort of their homes.

Since virtual events are easy to attend, the attendance rate can go up to over ten times higher than a physical event ever could.

One of the most prominent reasons for joining virtual events is networking. According to research, 87% of leaders said that there have been opportunities generated through virtual events.

Successful networking requires time, effort, and creativity. And if you're wondering how to build professional connections for your association online through events, you can check some virtual networking event ideas and ways to do them.

5. Host a virtual Speed Networking Event for Professionals

Speed networking is one of the most convenient and easiest ways for your association to expand its contacts and accelerate its growth.

It gives your association the unique opportunity to connect with a large number of professionals in your industry in a short timeframe.

You can host or participate in a speed networking event to introduce yourself to others and share what you are looking for, whether new members, sponsors, partners, or exhibitors.

Here at Glue Up, we offer a full-suite networking platform for associations, which is the Speed Networking solution.

As a virtual event platform, it helps associations organize speed networking events wherein participants will be paired in private rooms to discuss different topics of their choice.

It's perfect for associations looking to virtually connect their members, help them build new connections, and participate in meaningful one-on-one chats.

Excellent features that come with it are a community hub, an event room, a direct messaging capability, and a meeting request functionality.

It's a reliable tool that associations can use when building instant connections paired with good professional networking skills.

Now that you learned why professional networking is important for associations, remember that you should start setting clear goals when making new connections.

Moreover, it will require significant time and effort to build and maintain a strong professional network as your association advances its mission.

With all the information we have provided, we hope your association is more than ready to open itself to networking opportunities.

For more information regarding Glue Up’s speed networking software and how it can help you grow your reach through professional networking, feel free to get a free demo here.

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