51 Experts Reveal the Best Website Survey Questions to Ask Visitors to Improve Usability [with Examples]

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51 Experts Reveal the Best Website Survey Questions to Ask Visitors to Improve Usability [with Examples]

Marketing Content Specialist.
39 minutes read
Last updated: April 18, 2023

What are website survey questions and why should you use them?

Website survey questions help you learn about visitors' experience on your website by gathering feedback from them. With website surveys, businesses can collect qualitative insight regarding 'who' their website users are and the 'why' behind their actions.

Qualitative feedback can improve usability and user experience on a website, leading to more conversions and sales. For this reason, we asked 51 experts who have employed website usability surveys on their websites to learn which questions are the most important and the rationale behind asking those questions.

By the end of the blog, these expert opinions and some examples can motivate you to start asking website survey questions on your website.

Were you able to accomplish your goal on our website?

The types of websites I'm always working on are course platforms for clients hoping to get away from a proprietary course platform and ultimately own their content and platform. The one website usability question that should always ask your customers about your website is this: "Were you able to accomplish your goal on our website?"

That one question will help you determine how you proceed with either revamping your website or if you should gather more information from your customer. If you ask more than that, then you're less likely to get an answer.

If you are getting a lot of no's, then you know you did something wrong. On the other hand, if you're seeing a lot of yes's (60-90%), then you're doing pretty good and may only need to make minor tweaks. Anything below 60% would require that you gather more information from your customers because you are likely suffering from conversions and customer success.

Nick Leffler, Course Platform Developers

How likely are you to refer a friend to our website?

I am Timothy Robinson, CEO of InVPN. You've definitely seen something similar before. It's a popular website survey question called the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Due to its popularity, we're going to spend a bit extra time on this one. The Net Promoter Score inquiry is intended to serve as a single metric of customer happiness. Ideally, you track it over time to determine the impact of your actions on customer satisfaction.

Your customers will be pleased if your Net Promoter Score increases. It’s not good if it decreases. The Net Promoter Score is calculated by providing visitors with a scale ranging from 0 to 10 and asking them questions such as 'On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to suggest X to a friend?' If someone responds with a number between 0 and 6, they are a detractor.

Scores of 7-8 indicate passive behavior, whereas scores of 9-10 indicate promoter behavior. Subtract the total percentage of detractors from the ratio of promoters to arrive at your Net Promoter Score. As a result, your score may range between -100 and 100. If you're only going to ask one question, this is one of the most effective general user experience survey questions. In an ideal world, you'd display the NPS survey immediately following a consumer interaction with your organization.

You can show it directly on a website using an app like Getsitecontrol (on a Thank You page, for instance). Alternatively, you can use a tool called Getform to include a link to an NPS survey in one of your follow-up emails. When a consumer clicks on that link, the survey form neatly opens in a new window, and they can complete it without taking any additional steps.

Timothy Robinson, InVPN

Are you having difficulty finding anything?

Eric Rohrback here, I'm the Chief Marketing Officer at Hill & Ponton. We're a large veterans rights law firm based outside of the U.S. This is one of the greatest website usability survey questions since it enables you to determine how easily your users can obtain content and complete critical tasks.

If you see that users regularly have difficulty locating specific information, you may want to reconsider your website's structure. To achieve the greatest results, you should delay asking this question until a visitor has spent a significant amount of time on your site.

Eric Rohrback, Hill & Ponton

Is there anything on this page that is missing?

I am Thilo Huellmann, Chief Technology Officer at Levity.ai. This usability question focuses on a particular page rather than your entire website. The purpose of this question is to identify any discrepancies between a visitor's expectations and what your page contains.

For instance, the way you ordered your content may seem logical to you. But suppose you discover that many of your visitors believe it would be more rational to organize it differently. In that case, this is a solid indicator that you should reconsider your content hierarchy. Please feel free to let me know if you have any more queries.

Thilo Huellmann, levity.ai

Is our pricing clear?

I am Steve Scott, CTO at Spreadsheet Planet. If you have a pricing page, this is an excellent survey question to prompt visitors as they browse it. Apart from serving as an effective website usability survey question, this question also provides vital data to your sales staff and contributes to feedback on your pricing strategy.

Steve Scott, Spreadsheet Planet

Which of our competitors did you research prior to deciding on us?

Darshan Somashekar here, Founder & CEO at Spider Solitaire Challenge. This is an excellent competitor research question that can help you in determining who your true competitors are. Indeed, you've almost certainly conducted your own competitive research. However, who you believe you are competing against may not always correspond to who your visitors believe you are competing against. You can identify such inconsistencies and modify your messaging to outperform your true competitors by asking this question. Thanks for the opportunity. Let me know if you have any more queries.

Darshan Somashekar, Spider Solitaire Challenge

Is our product quality better, poorer, or about the same as that of our competitors?

I am John, CEO of Digital Marketing Agency. This user experience survey question provides another opportunity to learn about your competition. Only this time, it's a little more direct, asking your visitors to compare your performance to that of your competitors. You can use these responses to determine what you're doing well and which weaknesses may drive customers to your competition.

John Bertino, Darshan Somashekar, The Agency Guy

What feature would you like to see on our website?

Stewart here, Director at Freedom Mobiles. You must use caution while asking usability questions, as some visitors may propose that you include everything, including the kitchen sink, on your website. However, as long as you maintain a critical eye and avoid project scope, listening to feature requests is an excellent method to identify opportunities to improve your website or service.

Stewart McGrenary, Freedom Mobiles

Which feature of our website is the most useful?

I am Darshan Somashekar, Founder & CEO at Solitaired. This question will help you in determining what visitors loved about your website. If you detect a pattern here, you may wish to emphasize that aspect in your website's copywriting and messaging. After all, if a large number of visitors adore a particular feature, that feature is usually an excellent carrot to offer new visitors or customers.

Darshan Somashekar, Solitaired

What are your goals in using our software and how can we help you reach those goals?

Regardless of what type of website you're working on--be it e-commerce, SaaS (software-as-a-service), blog, or a magazine site, what one question you would ask your website visitors, and how you are gonna use that feedback to improve the user experience for your audience and increase conversions for your business, and helps you be specific in what actions you will take.

This is a good question. It's a bit broad in that we don't know at what point you're asking the question. Is it when someone signs up? Is it within a newsletter? Is it posted on your site? A pop-up? So really, the question is - when are you asking your visitor the question? Personally, I believe feedback is critical throughout the user experience. From the moment people first find out about you and ongoing as you develop a relationship.

Let's stop thinking for a moment about income from prospective visitors and focus on your Values, Purpose, and Mission. The real journey and success come from building an ongoing relationship that is mutually beneficial to you and your visitor. You have to understand if your values align with your site visitors.

Conversions can take time and are often the most expensive part of customer acquisition. That being said, I think a single question is difficult if you're trying to get 'real' actionable feedback. A short survey would be better. But having shared values will ensure a better connection to your visitors. I won't go into the underlying theory, but it's certainly key to getting your question right. You're going to have problems if expectations aren't being met.

So my question would be: “What topics of interest would you like to see us produce on our blog or in our magazine?” My actions would be: I would get to the reason why this person reads my work or uses my software. That way I can better allocate resources to help people achieve their goals or write things they are interested in. This is only possible if I understand them.

At the same time, keep building on the relationship and thinking long-term. You could then segment your answers and determine if patterns within the data suggest a need for new functionality or topics in your software or blog or just the opposite.

There could be some features or articles no one likes or wants. Software and writing aren’t the only additives, often if a feature isn't being used, it should be removed, and those resources should be allocated elsewhere. I would also introduce my findings to my audience to help build support, encourage discussion and show transparency. Perhaps a simple answer but a good starting place.

Don Slaughter, Helenom Digital

What are you hoping to accomplish by visiting our website?

This question would be followed by a list of different reasons they may visit the website, from Buy new software for my business to Learn more about RV camping. I've used this question before in user surveys, and it always brings in valuable feedback. To apply that feedback, start by sorting user responses into two categories: people who expressed a clear interest in purchasing your product or service and those who did not.

If you have data on how many of the people who took the survey actually completed a purchase, that may be useful to take into account. Either way, you should look at the top reasons for visiting your website and ensure two things: people are finding what they're looking for, and people who visit your website are being funneled into the customer pipeline.

Let's say you find that a large number of people visit your website to read the free articles and blog posts. You should make sure these articles are easy to find on your website, have a search function, and are accessible to people using screen readers. You should also make sure that these pages link or reference your business's services.

Ravi Parikh, RoverPass

Were you able to quickly find what you were looking for?

My name's Christen and I'm the CEO of Gadget Review, a top technology and lifestyle publication with over 50,000 product reviews and ratings of the top electronics, software, and services. We've done this before, and the question we asked was: Were you able to quickly find what you were looking for? It's a simple question on the surface, but it tells us not only if we're meeting the needs of our audience, but also how efficiently we're able to do this.

We want people to be able to navigate our site and find exactly what they're looking for. Our site isn't really built with browsing in mind so it's important they get a streamlined experience from start to finish. In terms of what we do with that information, if they answer no, we ask follow-up questions that allow them to state what they needed and rate their experience. We then analyze the survey results and use them to improve facets of our site like overall navigation, search functionality, link visibility, etc.

Chrisen Costa, Gadget Review

How easy was it to find the information you were looking for?

I'm Daivat Dholakia, Director of Operations at Force by Mojio. Force by Mojio provides the best in class GPS fleet tracking for small businesses. My SaaS company values website visitor feedback and takes it into account when making updates or redesigning our site. One good question to ask website visitors is: How easy was it to find the information you were looking for?, followed by a scale where they can rank 1-5 with 1 being impossible and 5 being very easy.

You see so many websites these days that basically function at SEO bait. They're loaded with unnecessary pages, fluffy content, and visual clutter. My business takes the opposite approach. We try to keep our website pared down and minimalist to enable people to find the information they need. If we received a lot of feedback about people not being able to find what they were looking for, I'd take it as a chance to give a second look at our landing pages, our site layout, and how information was showing up on the pages themselves.

I'd have our team look at the website in mobile view as well. Together, we'd figure out how to clean up unnecessary clutter on the website, revamp our FAQ, make the menu bar more user-friendly, and find other ways to help people get what they need out of it.

Daivat Dholakia, Force by Mojio

On a scale of 1-5, how well do you feel the lawn care professional recommended is a match for your specific needs?

“We recently asked our website visitors this question: For the most part, we got positive responses to this survey. It's of course only given to people who get to the recommendation page and then click on one of the top recommendations. Most people choose 4 or 5 on this survey. For the people that choose three or lower, we ask if they'll provide additional feedback. They answer multiple-choice questions that let us know why their experience was unsatisfactory. Then we review this information and look for patterns so we can make changes to our UX.”

Dan Bailey, WikiLawn

Based on our website, what is your first impression of our product or service?

If I were going to ask one question to visitors to our website, I would ask: First impressions are one of the most important things to measure when it comes to your website. It gets overlooked a lot because businesses focus on the customer journey as a whole. However, first impressions are truly the make-it-or-break-it for companies that rely on their website to draw in customers and sell to them. If your website gives a bad impression, a customer will spend a second on it or less before leaving.

Ideally, even if a customer who visits your website isn't 100% sure what you do or sell when they visit your site, it won't take them too long to figure out (and they will have a good impression). After getting responses to this question, my impulse would be to work with our web design and development team to take care of any problematic trends we noticed. If a lot of people said their impression of our service was that it was a bad deal, for example, we'd figure out how to redesign our website to draw attention to the benefits of our offers.

Ann Martin, CreditDonkey

What friction have you encountered using our website?

Have you been asking your customers the right survey questions? Feedback from customers is some of the most valuable data you can get to grow your business. The fact is, most marketers and product teams are doing it wrong. Here is the one question hack that I've seen change growth trajectories. Customer surveys are not about what you're doing right - it's about finding out what you're doing wrong. It's the only thing that matters when you're getting feedback.

Whether you're having a one-on-one with your boss, nurturing a new romantic relationship, or trying to scale your newly registered startup. Make sure you ask the hard questions to your users. You need to find the pain points that hurt. The ones you can't find by looking at heat maps, bounce rates, or ROI.

These are a few of my favorite examples, build off this list, and you'll be on your way to surveying the right way. Besides that one question mentioned above, I would like to ask the following two questions from my website users.

What would you improve on our website if you could?
Which website features do you consider the most valuable?

Matthew Lally, TheGiftYak

What is one thing we could do to make your experience with us even better?

I’m Scott Clary, head of sales and marketing at Swift Products by Grass Valley. At Swift Polling, we live and breathe surveys, so I have a lot of thoughts or experience on this topic. Surveys are game-changers for improving customer service and user experience—that is, if they’re done right, and you ask effective questions. When it comes to relying on a single question for a user experience poll, as straightforward as possible is the best route. For example, “What is one thing we could do to make your experience with us even better?” We like framing questions this way rather than asking what customers don’t like, which forces them to think of negative aspects of their experience rather than positive ones.

Scott Clary, Swift Products by Grass Valley

Did you face any challenge using our website?

This question enables the customers to provide different answers from different aspects, making it an all-in-one question helpful for a survey. The question could help in backing up the following instances. For collecting suggestions and ideas for the improvement of the website. To know if they find the contents useful. To gather opinions if the website can be easily navigated. To identify if the website was efficient and convenient for the users

Robert Johnson, Sawinery

How would they describe our website in one or more words?

My name is Harriet, co-founder of CocoFinder. Based in Singapore, our company is engaged in software development. Our site welcomes over 20,000 visitors each month. Besides, I've been quoted on sites such as Forbes, Lifewire, CMSWire, Lattice, SHEfinds before, among others. Customer feedback is the number one driver to create long-term success. Knowing the voice of the customer can lead you in the right direction, no matter the problem. Website feedback that you collect directly on your website gives you a glimpse inside your users’ minds, and you can use that information to improve their experience, reduce drop-offs, and boost conversions. The one question that we ask the most to our website visitors ishow would they describe our website in one or more words. This is a good question for capturing the perception of our website. Through this, you can allow users to enter their own words or choose one or more from a list according to your choices but we would like to keep it to the users' answers. A genuine review of your website can be found through this survey question, and this can help you improve in the areas where your website is keeping behind and improve user experience accordingly.

Harriet Chan, CocoFinder

How did you know about us?

It's David Attard, Digital Consultant and Web Designer at CollectiveRay. A dominant website that helps in creating actionable posts, guides, and reviews around WordPress and other online software platforms. The most important and yet simple question to ask your customers is How did you know about us?. The beauty of this question is how easily it can be asked when filling out a feedback form or through data collected by your chatbots.

This question will not only help your figure out how to get the conversion rate up but improve user experience. When you know where your clients are coming from, whether through backlinks or social media platforms, it gives the opportunity to enhance and improve those channels to ensure that you can reach them better, more effectively, and even more frequently (by investing in paid advertisements on those platforms).

David Attard, Collective Ray

Did you find everything you needed on the first page you clicked on? My name is Maya Stern, and I've been the head of marketing and PR at Creative Navy UX Agency for over a decade. From a usability point of view, the best question to ask would be: Did you find everything you needed on the first page you clicked on? or How quickly could you find what you were looking for?

Maya Stern, Creative Navy UX Agency

Have you got the necessary information that they want?

Every user visits the website with some purpose in mind, and if they find what they are looking for, then the website is good, they will leave with a positive impact. But still, as an optimizer, I always ask the users the following question: “Have you got the necessary information that they want? And how many clicks or pages do they have to navigate themselves to get that?”

By optimizing this, we can focus more on this based on a particular page (ideally all important pages of the website) to provide as much information as users want naturally. Remember, direct promotion can lead to a negative impact, so it is mandatory to provide what they want and then indirectly force them for any CTA to become your lead later on.

Tarun Gurang, iFour Technolab Private Limited

What other options that you considered buying from before choosing us?

My name is Olivia, I'm co-founder of CocoFax, a new start-up company from Singapore, CocoFax is an all-in-one online fax solution provider dedicated to smarter business communications. We aim to help businesses go greener, smarter, and quicker. You can ask your customers countless questions to improve their experience since there are so many aspects to it. However, every business should ask the options that the user considered buying from before they chose you.

This question has so much depth in it, and it can help you align yourself with customers’ needs quite well. Their response will help you identify all the competition currently present in the market that could potentially affect your business. Many companies do not realize how valuable this information is and tend to overlook it quite often. By knowing your competition, you can find out everything there is to know about the customer experience they provide.

If your customers went to them BEFORE they came to you then you can do your own research and find out what makes their UX more appealing. You can experience it yourself and even learn new things that you can implement in your business as well. This can also then be used to ask more targeted questions and let the customer identify the areas where you could improve to make yourself their first choice.

Furthermore, this question can also help you identify any new or unknown competitors that you may have and are not aware of.? Every user visits the website with some purpose and if they find what they are looking for then the website is good, they would leave with a positive impact. But still, as an optimizer, I always used to ask the users have they got the necessary information that they want? And how many clicks or pages do they have to navigate themselves to get that?

Olivia Tan, CocoFax

What features and training would you like us to develop next?

As the founder of a business that owns multiple blogs as well as selling paid courses to our students, we routinely survey our members for several reasons. Our most recent survey conducted with our paid course members was used to find out what features and training they'd like us to develop next.

Here are some of my thoughts on Website Survey questions in particular! Think about how you ask, now just what you ask in a recent survey, we were trying to figure out which feature our users wanted us to implement most. The problem with this question is that there were multiple ways to approach it. We could have asked, for example, What do you want us to implement, we could have provided a selection of predefined choices to select from, or we could have provided a priority list, asking users which feature was most important on a 1-5 scale.

Now, if you leave it as an open ended question, filtering that data would have been difficult and lead to a highly unfocused set of data which just wouldn't have been that great. The predefined choices list allows us to guide the users into a specific choice but doesn't allow for much diversity. Finally, we settled on our final option. By allowing people to prioritize the feature they want most from a drop down, this allowed us to create a focused, but diverse selection of results to work with. I think this is a perfect example of how it's important to think about what the end data will look like, and how usable it will be.

If you go in with results first mindset, it'll be much easier to form your survey! I hope this insight is useful for your piece but don't hesitate to reach out with any further questions :) Bio (if needed): Mark Webster is Co-founder of Authority Hacker, an industry-leading online marketing education company. Through their video training courses, blog and weekly podcast, they educate beginner and expert marketers alike. Many of their 6,000+ students have taken their existing businesses to the forefront of their industries or had multi-million dollar exits.

Mark Webster, Authority Hacker


Would you visit us again?

I am Tyler Garns, Founder, and CEO at Box Out Marketing, a company that offers strategic coaching and campaign implementation services. I am an international speaker, marketer, trainer, and entrepreneur specializing in marketing and automation.

Would you visit us again? This would answer your question if your website provided an excellent customer experience. If a visitor to your website says no, try to figure out why. It will assist you in learning more about your customers' tastes and expectations, which you can utilize to develop your website. Furthermore, you can pinpoint flaws in your website like its loading speed, ease of navigation, and aesthetics.

Tyler Garns, Box Out Marketing

Is the information available on the website enough for you to make a buying decision?

My name is Caroline and I am the co-founder of CocoSign. Based in Singapore, our company is engaged in software development. A website should include all of the information a potential client should require before making a buying decision (like customer reviews or video testimonials etc.). You built the website to raise brand awareness and present your company to new customers. They should be persuaded to take advantage of anything your business has to offer simply by visiting the website. If this isn't the case, then you've got a problem.

Caroline Lee, CocoSign

Did you have your questions answered?

I'm the founder of Performio. One question I'd ask website visitors would be: “Did you have your questions answered?” Fundamentally, the purpose of your website as a business is to guide the prospective customer to a purchasing decision. If your website lacks the requisite information for the user to make such a decision, you're costing yourself a fortune in revenue. Therefore, the best question to ask users would be one that addresses the clarity of your value proposition. Did you make it clear what you do, how you do it, and how it makes a positive impact? If the answer is no, it might be time to restructure your web copy in a way that properly conveys the unique selling point of your product or service.

David Marshall, Performio

Did you face any difficulties in browsing our website?

I'm the CTO of ConvertBinary. We offer free tools, reference tables, and tutorials for binary code conversion. Here's a great question to ask your customers in your next website survey.

In my opinion, this is the single most effective question to ask in ironing out navigation issues, interface glitches, and other problems which lessen the user experience. This is especially the case in a website's infancy, where issues might be present that have yet to be encountered by the user.

However, when a website is especially old, similar problems may arise once more as scripts break, links 404, and browser updates lead to potential design incompatibilities. Websites aren't always perfect. Yours won't be, either. If the customers encounter issues like dead or broken links, mobile incompatibility, or unoptimized images, they need to relay this information back to you so that you can provide a fix.

Sometimes, website problems will, unfortunately slip, by you - especially if you're responsible for a very large website. This simple survey question serves to give the customer a chance to participate in the troubleshooting process and make it easier for you as a web developer to optimize your website and streamline the browsing experience.

Brian Turner, Convert Binary

Were there any challenges you faced in using our website?

My name is Chris Campbell. I'm the co-owner and CEO of The Charming Bench Company. We're a small online retailer that sells handmade outdoor furniture to anywhere in the continental US.

I find customer experience feedback to be invaluable in building and fine-tuning a great website. The trick to customer surveys is to get customers to answer them quickly and honestly, and the best way to do that is to find one question that gives you lots of insight. For this reason, the best question to ask is: Were there any challenges you faced in using our website?

This can give you a lot of useful information about the customer experience without inundating the customer with questions. Customers who did not experience any obstacles in using our website can be presumed to have had a positive experience. Those who have had difficulties will outline where the problem areas are so we can examine whether there are improvements we can make. It offers granular data over a long time, so you can monitor how website changes affect customer experience as you make them.

Chris Campbell, The Charming Bench Company

Where did you hear about us? How did you find us?

I am Alina, growth manager and co-founder of CocoDoc, a software development company based in the US. I'm also a Member of Business Journals Leadership Trust & Forbes Council. My company and I have been used as sources for websites like Lifewire, Yahoo, Bloomberg, Refinery29, CMSWire, and so on. You can ask your website visitors questions like where did you hear about us? or how did you find us?

Although Google analytics shows that people come to your website from certain channels like Facebook campaigns or Adwords, there is one unknown channel such as direct traffic. This question can help you find the best marketing channels and where people meet your brand. There may exist a possibility that people find your website from a source you had no idea of.

Alina Clark, CocoDoc

How did you first hear about us?

Website Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers: One of the top questions we always ensure to include in our customer surveys is “How did you first hear about us?” The reason being that while Google Analytics will often show us that people have visited our pages from certain channels like AdWords, organic searches, etc. There remains one big unknot, and that is direct traffic. Moreover, those users who visit our website through AdWords or organic searches may be aware of our business already.

As such, asking this question helps us figure out what exactly our strongest marketing channels are and where users are coming across our brand. For instance, some users may even end up finding our business through word of mouth or even through a newspaper article, and in those cases, Google Analytics wouldn’t be able to tell us that. This makes it an excellent question to help gauge our marketing reach and the effectiveness of our strategies across the board, which allows us to spend our marketing time and budget wisely for a better ROI.

Eden Cheng, WeInvoice

Has this page answered your query, if not please share what was missing?

This is Mitul Gandhi, co-founder of SEO Clarity, the first AI-driven SEO, and content optimization platform. Mitul has worked in marketing since 1996, and co-founded seoClarity in 2008, who are currently based in Chicago with offices in San Francisco and Boston and serving customers in 9 countries globally.

Asking visitors 'Has this page answered your query, if not please share what was missing?' is a great way of discovering their reason for visiting that particular page and how you may be failing to help users.

These findings can then inform and shape the content by aligning it with their intent. For example, if the page targets users looking to purchase a product, but some users are entering your page looking for information only, there may be a disconnect in your content strategy.

Mitul Gandhi, SEO Clarity

Where did you discover us?

I'm Stacey Kane. I am the Business Development Lead at Easy Merchant. A good question to ask is where the customer discovered us. This question provides us with qualitative data that analytic tools cannot offer. Knowing where our customers are finding us will allow us to develop marketing strategies to focus our efforts on platforms where we excel.

Suppose our customers unanimously respond that they found us on Facebook. In that case, we can then focus our marketing efforts on Facebook because we know that's where our customers are coming from, and we can then decide whether to abandon other platforms that aren't working to save money and time.

Stacey Kane, Easy Merchant

What one thing would you improve in your current website experience?

This is Viktoriia Pavlova, CEO & Key CRO Strategist at Leangenix.io. Ask your customers what one thing would you improve in your current website experience? It will help them stay focused and point out the most critical issue of your website experience, which stops them from purchasing your products or services.

When you have enough responses that make statistical significance, it's time to take action.

  1. Clearly define the problem your users are facing
  2. Generate a couple of ideas that solve the issue
  3. Perform A/B test and deploy a winning solution

This approach will help you find a real problem your users experience and solve it, and believe me, they will thank you with their dollars.

Viktoria Pavlova, Leangenix

Are you a person with disabilities?

Web survey questions: One question you need to be asking yourself is: “Is my survey accessible to my users with disabilities?” Many (if not most) survey systems are NOT accessible. That means the opinions of people with vision loss or poor manual dexterity who use assistive technology will be completely excluded because they won't be able to complete the survey you send out. There are only five accessible survey systems that I am aware of: Microsoft Forms, Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, SurveyGizmo, and Qualtrics. Also, you have to make sure that your survey content itself is accessible. This includes things like making sure all images have descriptions, not using colors with poor contrast, not overusing italics, not right justifying, and using sans-serif fonts.

Sheri Byrne-Haber, Accessibility Marketplace

Are you satisfied with the website navigation?

My name is Chloe Sisson, and I am the Outreach Coordinator at Zen Media, a digital marketing and PR agency. It is so crucial in our day and age that you have an optimized, well-functioning website. If I were to conduct a customer feedback survey, I would ask users if they were satisfied with the navigation tools on the website.

It's important that your users get the information they want within a reasonable time frame. If they can't find what they're looking for, you will not get conversions. You have to be able to get a customer to your site, have them stay and find what they're looking for, then you're able to close the deal. Having ample amounts of information gets viewers to stay longer and can get them even more interested with your business.

Chloe Sisson, Zen Media

How helpful is this article?

If you want to educate your existing customers about your product or service, or bring in new users or customers, you have to publish well researched articles and blog posts regularly. But the problem is, many analytics tools out there just provide quantitative data which makes it hard to tell whether your article or blog post is providing value to readers that they desire. Asking this question will provide you with qualitative data and help you gain real insights with regards to the value your content is offering to your readers. But it should always be followed up with an open-ended question to learn why your content is or isn’t helpful for your readers.

Louee Gonzales, WellStone PR

Is there something I left out?

I own a content marketing agency, primarily building business blogs, including that of my own site. I end most of my posts with a call to action or a question of some sort to encourage engagement. The question is often in the form of: "Is there something I left out? Let me know in the comments below." We always respond and keep a detailed list of these subjects. They are invaluable when it comes to future blog topic ideation.

James Parsons, Content Powered

Where did you hear about us?

My name is Bryan Philips, and I am the Head of Marketing at In Motion Marketing, a full service marketing agency that helps transform “businesses” into brands people love. We create demand and increase revenue using SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing to find high-quality lead generation. I’d love to share my experience with you and have included some thoughts on what I'd like to know from customers below. The one question I wish I could get answered by customers is"Where did you hear about us?" The ability to know where every lead came from would be instrumental in planning strategies, budgets, campaigns, and even products. You could find out which advertising platform is working for you the best, what social media platform your customers prefer, and what medium they respond to the most and change your marketing in kind.

Bryan Philips, In Motion Marketing

Are you having trouble finding anything? / Is there anything missing on this page?

It's a tough thing — you know that “asking” is important because it gives you valuable information about how people experience your website. But at the same time, it can be hard to know which questions will get you answers that are actually meaningful. Are you having trouble finding anything? This is one of the best website survey questions about usability to help you figure out how easily your visitors are able to locate information and perform important actions.

Another question is: Is there anything missing on this page? This question ties with the question above, but gets a little more specific by focusing on a single page. The goal with this question is to find any mismatches between a visitor's expectations and what's actually on your page. For example, maybe the way that you organized your content is logical to you, but if you find that many of your visitors think it's more logical to organize your content in a different way, that would be a good indicator that you need to rethink your content hierarchy.

Lewis Amin, NetInfluencer

How could we improve your experience at your next visit?

My name is Avner Brodsky and I’m co-founder and CEO of Superwatches.com. We market wearable technology, particularly fitness trackers and smartwatches, to enthusiasts in the U.S. and the U.K. Customer engagement with the website of a business has implications on conversions, so getting customer feedback on their website experience is very important. The question that I’d like to ask has to do with why a customer is exiting our website before we’ve even convinced them of what we have to offer.

Variations of “How could we improve your experience at your next visit?” will enable us to become more relevant and perhaps more attractive to customers at their next visit. I would prefer using an open-ended question and providing a text box where a user can write anything they want. This will elicit more authentic responses as opposed to close-ended questions with options to choose from, but among whom the real reason for a customer’s exiting our site may not be included. Asking a question on exit intent will give us points of improvement that come directly from our target audience. This is useful not only from a marketing point-of-view, but also from a product development perspective.

Avner Brodsky, Superwatches

If you could modify one thing about our website, what would it be?

Website Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers: Hi, I'm Miranda, Founder of VinPit, a tech company dedicated to software development. My answers to your question can be found below: As I'm unlikely to be a mind reader, the only way to find out what consumers are thinking is to ask them. If you could modify one thing about our website, what would it be? That would be my question to them. This is a question that I find pretty interesting because this shines a light directly into the user's psyche and reveals what they truly desire.

We would be asking consumers to submit a meaningful thought, not a new feature, and if we find many users with the same view, we would review those and rectify those errors. We would take steps to turn their feedback into action and constantly review our service according to their feedback. In addition, we would consider updating our users regularly about the progress they requested for. Following the corrections, we would ask users for feedback or testimonies on our progress. This would result in positive feedback and focus on giving excellent service to each customer, resulting in a rise in conversion rate. To improve marketing ROI, you must raise the conversion rate. The more visitors you convert, the greater the influence your existing traffic has on your bottom line.

Miranda Yan, Vinpit

What attracted you to the website?

I'm Hitesh Patel, founder of RRPJewellers. RRPJewellers is a jewelry manufacturing company based in Surat, India. We provide a huge collection of various diamond studded jewelry pieces at wholesale prices. Regarding your request for Website Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers, If you are looking to improve your website content and want feedback about the same, who better to ask than your readers themselves? Feedback surveys give you genuine and first-hand responses of your customers to understand how they feel about the website and what exactly works for your readers and what does not. You need to ask just the right questions to get on point and direct feedback which can help you optimise your website according to your customer's needs. Not to worry, here are the top 3 questions you can ask your users:

Where did you hear about us? If you want to know where you are getting your major traffic from, it helps you market your website to that specific target audience. It also helps you figure out where you are lagging and what kind of audience is interacting with your website. Another important insight you get from this question is whether your current marketing schemes are working. For example, if you are paying for ad space but according to your responses, less audience is getting directed from those ad's then you can go ahead and redirect that money to better places.

What attracted you to the website? Ask your customers directly what made them come to the website and what they liked. Was it the graphics, the topics you are covering or the way you organise your website? This is the best way to understand what is the best aspect of your website and what exactly you need to improve on.

Did you find what you were looking for?Was the website helpful? This is a vital question to ask your users especially when clubbed with the above mentioned 'question 2', it is a target question to analyse user satisfaction. The key to a successful website is not just to attract traffic but also to retain that traffic and the only way to do that would be to provide what the users are looking for. The responses to this question will give you a great statistic if customers are satisfied with your website.

Hitesh Patel, RRPJewellers

What content would you like to see more of?

I’m Simon Elkjær, the Chief Marketing Officer of avXperten, home of Denmark’s most affordable electronics. I have more than a decade’s worth of experience in eCommerce, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Two survey questions that we always ask our customers are the usual ‘where did you hear about our site?’ and ‘what content would you like to see more of?’ as it really helps us gain insight into the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and what direction our customers would like us to take.

This being said though, companies need to be careful when and how they present such questions to their customers to make sure that they get valuable insight and feedback. After receiving feedback, companies need to make sure that they take this feedback to heart, truly act on them, and improve their overall customer experience. Doing so will help you attract and keep your customers happy and satisfied.

Simon Elkjær, avXperten.dk

What do you want us to talk about next?

I'm Jordan, the golf mentor and entrepreneur who created golfinfluence.com, and I manage a remote team from different locations around the world. Our website has been running for a few years now, and if we are going to add a survey tool, the one question that we would ask our website visitors would be “What do you want us to talk about next?” This will give us an idea of why they visited the website in the first place, and what would make them revisit. It would also be nice to get them notified once the topic they are interested in gets posted.

Jordan Fuller, Golf Influence

How accessible is our website?

Updating Your UX Through User Input: If there was one thing I had to ask my user base about my website, it would be about how accessible it is for them. Listen, one of the things we do for our workers, especially during the time of COVID, is making our company accessible to them so that they can continue to work without worrying about whether or not they can do so from work or from a coffee shop. This kind of mentality has to be applied not only within your company, but to your user base as well. Does a better Text-to-Speech option help to make sure those who are hard of seeing navigate our site and learn about our services better? Perhaps we can simplify navigation within our company site?

Do we need to add a “color-blind” friendly layout to better accommodate certain users? This is an integral question you as a leader have to ask yourself, especially since many companies in the tech sector have begun to adopt this mindset. These are things I have heard some of my employees ask, whether it’s for work or whether it’s about an application or website they’re using at home. I know that sometimes we like to believe that simply updating the theme or layout of your page might be enough, but sometimes it isn’t. We have to use our current efforts to guide our new ones as we seek to make sure that our company and its services and information are accessible to everyone.

Josh Wright, CellPhoneDeal

What changes would you make to ensure our website is user-friendly?

This is Teri Shern, co-founder of Conex Boxes. We recently redesigned our website based on user feedback. We wanted to make sure that our users had a better experience with our site and that it was more intuitive to use. One of the questions we asked was about site navigation. We wanted to determine how easy our visitors found navigation and what changes they would make to ensure it’s more user-friendly. One of the common responses was a simpler layout. Admittedly, our layout before was a little messy.

We had too much writing on the landing page (which wasn’t spread out very well), we had a lot of different pages to navigate to, etc. Now, we’ve cleaned that up a lot. There are clear areas for our users to navigate to for different purposes, our landing page content is spread out more clearly, and the general look of our website has changed. We’ve had great response to these changes from our customers, and we will continue to use their feedback to make further improvements in the future.

Teri Shern, Conex Boxes

How well do you understand what [company name] does from our homepage?

How we effectively collect customer data online. As the tech industry becomes more versatile and integrated, it’s more important now than ever that customers feel comfortable navigating seemingly complicated tech solutions. One of the biggest steps my business has taken to improve our conversion rate has been introducing chatbots. However, we’re not using chatbots in the traditional customer service manner. Instead, we use them on our site to collect customer data and feedback about their experience. We will continue to have a dedicated customer service in-house team, so chatbots are strictly used to collect said information. When we have data on the customer experience, we are better equipped to make changes that impact the company's long-term health.

Bill Mann, Restore Privacy

How did you hear about us?

My name is Tim, and I am a founder of Coffee Geek TV, a coffee blog and digital marketing agency. I think the most critical survey question to ask website users on my site is ”How did you hear about us?” on the landing page. Currently, I’m focusing on developing content on my blog website, so I’m primarily relying on users’ organic searches, which means they most likely know about my page from the SERPs (search engine result pages). However, as I intend to go back to producing more content on other platforms such as Youtube and social media, this question will help me determine where the traffic is coming from to adjust my content strategy going forward.

Tim Sutton, Coffee Geek TV

If you could change anything during your purchasing experience, what would it be?

Use this question to improve your conversiobin rate. If there is one question we care most about when it comes to the user experience on our site, it’s “If you could change anything during your purchasing experience, what would it be?” Our customers know themselves better than we do, so it’s important we ask them directly if any part of our web experience needs to be changed and what we can do differently in the future. After we’ve been able to collect data on this question, we are able to adapt the eCommerce side of our business to better suit our customers at large. When changes are made using customer data, our conversion rate goes up and we get a lot more traffic on our site and social media platforms.

Laura Fuentes, Infinity Dish

5 Website Survey Questions Examples

Getting feedback from users is important in improving a website and offering the best user experience. Here are some website survey questions you can ask to obtain valuable information from visitors.

1. Did you find what you were looking for?


Credits: TomTom

2. What did you come to [website] to do today?


Credits: FoodCorps

3. How did you find our store?


Credits: Survicate

4. Why are you leaving?


Credits: Getsitecontrol

5. What is your opinion of this page?


Credits: Mopinion

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