Strong Event Branding Tips

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Strong Event Branding Tips

Product and Content Marketing Specialist.
12 minutes read
Last updated: November 13, 2023

Every good business knows that events are one of the most powerful ways to raise loyalty. Details are everything. However, the only thing more important than launching a fruitful event is to make sure that everyone knows the mind behind the success.

Consistent branding prior to the event is key to building awareness; this helps you open a wider door of opportunities for you to network and give your business better exposure. Without a strong event brand, the success of your event won’t really matter because no one will know the event host.

Today, we are going to discuss some helpful event branding tips that will help you establish a strong event brand. Aside from helping you increase your event registration rates, you can also fashion an experience that your audience won’t forget.

What Is Branding?

event branding tips for better event management In the most basic terms, branding makes you known. Imagine creating art pieces without leaving a signature or name; no art enthusiasts would be able to know the artist. Without consistent branding, it does not matter how efficient your services are or how good your products can be. Your customers won’t be able to remember or identify your company without effective branding.

Generally speaking, branding is a well-known term that means giving meaning to a particular product. It could be a physical item such as an iPhone or Apple Watch. However, it could also be a type of service.

Branding has a lot to do with your chosen logo, theme, and design. A lot of people nowadays are more inclined to visual aspects. Think of how easy it is for you to recognize a smartphone just by a logo located at its back. The same goes for your company and events.

Event Branding

Event Branding Event branding is a powerful way of elevating your business by building awareness and loyalty. It captures the essence of your business’s brand and sparks recognition among your audience.

This means maintaining a uniform design throughout all the essential instruments. It includes having a single event logo that you can plaster on your events calendar, social media posts, even emails. To convey a solid event brand, one needs to have consistency throughout all the materials.

Before we get into the intricate details, let’s talk about the fundamentals of building a strong event brand. Of course, aside from making logos, hiring speakers, and choosing a venue, there are a lot more to consider. So let’s start with elements of a brand event.

Key Elements Of A Great Brand Event

Because of current circumstances, you can either launch a physical or virtual event. Regardless, these two share specific elements, including the logo, theme, tagline, colors, fonts, and event name. It is also essential to decide what type of event you are holding. Whether it is a seminar, a webinar, a symposium, or a conference, your attendees need to know beforehand.

For online brand and digital elements, you are going to need an event website and an online registration platform. This ensures that your registration and ticketing are well managed. You also need to utilize an event app that suits your event’s brand.

Lastly, for either physical or digital events, you need promotions. It does not matter whether you do it through emails or social media channels. The goal is to present your event in the best light possible. Create interesting highlights, use personalized images, brand colors, fonts, and related graphics.

Now you might wonder how exactly you are supposed to come up with all those key elements? It may seem like a lot to take in. But again, we are here to share powerful event branding tips to help link your event to your business or organization. So let us start with the most crucial element, which is the logo and design.

When it comes to branding, your logo means everything. Company logos give your business personality and spark recognition among your audience. Without a proper logo, your customers might not be able to recognize the organizers behind such a memorable event.

Although it may seem tempting to slap your company’s logo onto all flyers, digital posters, and other pre-event advertisements, it is not the best way to build a striking promotion. Instead, gather your team of designers and incorporate together different elements, including your company or team’s logo.

In short, you need a fresh design that can still portray your brand’s personality. Make sure to use brand colors, fonts, and graphics related to the event. Your event logo needs to reflect your brand. You can easily achieve this by practicing consistency in your design elements.

Online Advertisement


Now that we have the logo, it is time to focus on your pre-event promotions. Once again, you can keep things simple or go completely over the top when building exposure. After all, a bigger audience does improve your chances of getting more registrations.

Event Website

If you want to make an impression, publishing an event website is a must. This is where all your brand elements can come together. It also makes your event details accessible to everyone. Think of it as a hotel lobby that can cater to all succeeding matters like announcements, registration, ticketing, and others.

When building your website, it is crucial to take note of the following elements, including color, font, logo, theme, and overall impact. A good example of this would be how Inecta’s web design only played around the color of its logo. Plus the sliders they’ve used makes the overall website engaging and interactive.

Another great example of a website with a unified design is Spores because of its streamlined and professional appearance. The company uses uniform colors and related graphics to portray its services.

Aside from the design, you should also pay attention to your event website’s content. Avidon Marketing Group - a top SEO agency, mentioned that ensuring your website lands in the organic search results is the best way to gain visibility. Also, look for SEO tools and practices to help you optimize your event website’s content.

You can also link your event to appealing items from your business. For example, if you own a lingerie store, you can launch a webinar that speaks about women’s empowerment and breaking stereotypes about wearing lingerie. In addition, your website’s design can include pictures of elegant collections of sexy outfits.


URL Branding

Of course, aside from your website’s overall design, a personalized URL is good for your branding too. With that, you should consider making a custom URL or white label. Luckily, you can easily make white labels through website-building services. Just make sure that you can create a custom URL without the website builder’s branding.


In case you were not yet aware, email marketing is an excellent strategy when promoting events. It sends personalized emails to potential attendees, sponsors, speakers, and partners directly. Plus, it also gives you the chance to share a heartfelt encouragement to build a connection with the recipients.

Emails are a great way of conveying important messages and relaying all types of information. You can also send updates, event reminders or encourage calls to action to register for your event. Make sure that your email possesses all the essential branding elements, including colors, fonts, and of course, your event logo.

The contents of your email should be direct and exciting. Your calls to action should be related to the event but compelling at the same time. Pique their interest with action-based ideas. If you're a VPN company and your event is all about educating users and prospects on how to use your product, then your email content could touch a bit about what you sell. Show them a guide on cybersecurity for businesses or how they can create a hack-proof platform.

Another example could be if you're holding an event for Amazon sellers. You can offer them useful tactics related to your events, such as automating an Amazon FBA businessor how they can use a repricer to maximize Amazon sales. Finally, tell them about what they can gain from attending or sponsoring your event.

Social Media

Did you know that 50.64% of the population are social media users? I mean, look around you. Almost everyone you know has their phone in their hands or their pockets. Utilizing social media as a way to raise exposure for your event is a great way of attracting attendees, sponsors, partners, and more.

Although social media may not be a direct part of your brand, using its tools can definitely widen your audience spectrum. In addition, using key tactics such as an event hashtag and having a social media handle or page contributes to the hype.

Social Media Branding


Last on the list is the registrations platform or ticketing. Remember when we said that your website is like a hotel lobby? Well, what is a lobby without its receptionist? So, aside from providing all the necessary details, event advertisements, powerful branding materials, and call to actions, you are going to need to redirect your visitors to a registration platform.

This helps you manage your number of attendees or potential sponsors. While you can also put up registration sheets in different physical booths, a digital registration platform is the most convenient way of getting responses. Not to mention, it helps you automate the process by gathering attendee data.

Your registration form should also have branding. Make sure to incorporate your event logo, as well as using brand elements like color and font. If you want a more comprehensive guide to build the best event registration form, you can check out our article for Best Practices for a High-Converting Event Registration Form.

On-site Branding

Event preparations and promotions can be a lot to take in, but onsite branding is where the magic really happens. Now that we have taken care of pre-event arrangements, we can move on to physical branding and a lot more items. We are talking about event booths, banners, hosts, and your overall decoration.

Don’t worry if it seems too much to handle. We will take you through the critical steps in achieving a solid event brand onsite.


We mentioned that branding is all about consistency and recognition. That makes design a critical factor of the entire event. How you present your brand can either make or break the success of your event. Your design has to be timeless.

First things first, your theme and decoration need to amplify your event’s branding. Follow a strict color scheme that corresponds with your logo, brand colors, and overall theme. For instance, if your logo has a cheery vibe, you may want to use bright and vibrant colors with fun decorations. You can use balloons, exciting graphics, and more.

Your event’s design also relies entirely on the goal you wish to achieve. For example, if you are launching a gadget expo, you may want to go for a sleek and simple design. On the other hand, streamlined decorations can help draw attention towards the real deal, such as exhibits, gadget booths, and many more.

Of course, don’t forget to plaster your logo in all essential areas. For instance, display your event logos on big screens, tarpaulins, table cards, invitations, stickers, and many more. You can also have your staff or event personnel wear a badge or uniform with your event’s logo.


Personalization has benefitted companies all over the world. It has created strategies like conversational commerce, segmentation emails, custom videos, product recommendations, and many more.

Given the significance of personalization, it's important that you apply this to your event. One way of making it a memorable and mind-blowing experience is building a personalized experience for all your attendees.

Most companies make a common mistake of planning an event for the general public. Although it may not be entirely wrong, it is not exactly an ideal method either. You need to personalize your event in such a way that it pleases your attendees and target audience.

To achieve this, go back to your event goals. This should nudge you in the right direction when it comes to building an authentic and personalized event. You can also have some giveaways of items related to your organization or company. Make sure that you have your event logo somewhere on the item or packaging.


Don’t underestimate the power of booths. They are an excellent way of delivering a message to one or a group of people at the same time. In some cases, stalls happen to be more efficient when it comes to marketing particular products or services because there is direct communication between the audience and the company representative.


Your booth can include flyers and smaller signages, depending on your event; think of useful booth ideas that are related to your event. For instance, seminars or symposiums can have booths with representatives to ask them about their insights regarding the talks and other booths could be giving out flyers.

Another way to utilize a booth that can benefit your event is through co-branding. This is extremely helpful if you were able to partner with brands that are already established in their respective industries. You can set up a booth for your partner brands and increase brand awareness for both companies.

Social Wall

It is essential for your attendees to have space where they can share their thoughts, insights, and experiences during your event. This is why most companies opt to implement social walls. The concept is similar to a social media wall where people can share photos regarding your event.

Using social walls as part of your event strategy helps engage your audience. It enables you to gain visibility through hashtags or featured conversations. You can check out our article on the Top 15 Social Walls To Use at Your Next Event to see some great options. Boost your social media strategy and make event updates livelier.

Importance of an Event Brand


The first thing you should remember is that you are not the only company or organization hosting a seminar, conference, expo, or other types of events. A lot of businesses recognize the value of holding such sophisticated functions. However, with too many organizations gathering in the same place, you are going to need something to help you stand out.

Much like a company or business brand, your event branding prompts awareness. It is also a powerful way to build loyalty among your audience or attendees. Branding can hit two birds with one stone: it informs people of your upcoming event and raises awareness about your brand as a whole.

This is why a lot of organizations pay attention to event logos, design themes, social media posts, and other elements. It is important to establish consistent branding to help your audience recognize your company. Branding enables you to build an opportunity to become discoverable to other people.

Maintaining consistent branding across all platforms and social media channels makes you look professional. Moreover, it helps you portray your company’s goals, attitude, values, corporate policies, and so much more.


Event branding is just as important as company branding. It helps people recognize not only the event itself but your company as well. You need to pay attention to even the most minor details to implement a strong event brand. Remember that it all depends on how you project your company onto the event.

Promotions and advertisements on all social media platforms and communication channels are key to increasing your number of attendees. Branding is also important when trying to get sponsors and partnerships for the event. Make sure that you have uniform design aesthetics for all your materials.

Author Bio

Burkhard Berger is the founder of awesomex™. You can follow him on his journey from 0 to 100,000 monthly visitors on awesomex. His articles include some of the best growth hacking strategies and digital scaling tactics that he has learned from his own successes and failures.

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