How to Craft a Persuasive Call for Volunteers Appeal To Recruit Volunteers Online [with Writing Tips, Recruitment Ideas, Templates & Examples]

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How to Craft a Persuasive Call for Volunteers Appeal To Recruit Volunteers Online [with Writing Tips, Recruitment Ideas, Templates & Examples]

Marketing Content Specialist.
14 minutes read
Last updated: September 16, 2023

Last edited: September 15th, 2023

An organization needs to communicate with impact if it’s looking for individuals who can volunteer for a cause. Attracting the right people enthusiastic to contribute and make a difference in the community is essential.

However, potential candidates may be busy people, which can pose challenges when getting their attention and making a pitch stand out.

If you want to know how to initiate a compelling call for volunteers strategy, look no further. In this article, we have gathered all the necessary tips, ideas, and examples to help you succeed in your purpose of making the world a better place.

Quick Reads

The Bedrock of a Compelling Call for Volunteers Messaging

Before you begin to write your post, make sure to keep these helpful pointers in mind when it comes to crafting valuable and compelling invitations request for volunteers.

1. Write a Detailed Position Description

Craft a detailed position description first before calling for volunteers. You can start with a one to five-sentence overview that discusses the position’s primary role. After this, explain how it contributes to the organization’s objectives and why it’s important to society as a whole.

Even if you are not in a hurry to find a new volunteer, create a sense of urgency for prospects to be compelled to apply. You can do this by posting specific start dates or upcoming projects for volunteers and including an individual’s contact details so that they can reach anytime for help.

2. Determine the Right Audience for The Role

After creating a compelling position description for volunteers, think about what could be the motivations of your prospects for the role.

One of the most common motivational factors why individuals would like to join and contribute to their cause is the desire to give something back and help others. Most volunteers also choose causes that are close to their hearts.

To create a role with a purpose and encourage others to join, you can write the one below in your call for volunteer template:

“If you care about the community’s health and well-being, we invite you to join us and help keep it clean and green by volunteering for the Green Now Campaign. We will educate participants on how to reduce air pollution by planting trees.”

A statement like this creates a solid foundation for building a compelling call for volunteers. You can even make it more impactful by creating an emotional appeal on how you can solve a problem together and its expected outcome.

3. Know Where Your Audience Is for The Role

You can opt to use a calling for volunteers email campaign, newsletter, or social media to find your ideal candidate. According to a study, nearly three-quarters of workers between the ages of 18-34 knew about their current job through social media. In addition, 90%of recruiters revealed that they used LinkedIn to get new hires.

You can reach out to corporate partners and ask about their employee volunteer programs to speed up the process. These are popular and successful among large organizations.

For instance, the Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) said that 93% of employees who volunteered for their companies reported satisfaction with their employer. Moreover, at least 54% of those felt proud of their company’s contributions to society.

Before you begin writing, get to know the audience first. Essentially, you need to reevaluate the platform of choice and tailor each message to it. This can help you plan the type of visual to support and determine the number of characters required.

Choose the Right Voice and Platform for Your Ideal Candidate

To send the right message to your ideal candidates, assess their personalities and go back to their motivations.

If their duty is to help increase sales, the most suitable language can be: “We’re putting together a team of driven individuals who have what it takes to make this the largest XYZ our organization has seen, yet!”

Say right away if the opportunity is located at your site. If it is, expect to get applicants who are within the same geographical region. If the position requires visiting a particular city monthly, you might need prospects who can drive.

Be open to creating a virtual volunteer position as it would only require an Internet connection to interested applicants to make a difference and a real impact on the world.

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Call for Volunteers Appeal

writing tips

1. Get Attention with an Interesting Opening

Being creative with the opening message can help you get the attention of interested volunteers as they continue reading. After this, develop support for the main idea with details that should be appealing enough for others to consider joining for a cause and even reach out to you for more information.

Consider these examples:

  1. Sign up for tree planting volunteer programs today in environmentally significant areas. This lets you create a big impact on combating climate change and improving the environment.
  2. Offer a helping hand to children in need! Better Self Hotline is looking for volunteers who care about children and who can be phone friends. If you want to help children who are sad, lonely, or need support call 123-BETTER.

The short opening line in each example above conveys an image that is likely to entice the reader to continue through the remainder of the message.

2. Show a Complete Picture

The body of the message should include information that is in line with how people will think about the offer. It serves to answer the need, solution, how they can help, their value, and who to contact.

Others may think that volunteer work or running a fundraising campaign is tedious, tiring, and requires a lot of time and effort. Fun can be a great motivator and adding it to the volunteer opportunity through games that offer plenty of learning.

This works well if you coordinate with poor communities for volunteer work. It will create a bond between volunteers and the kids. Also, it will help volunteers mingle with new people and gain a sense of purpose.

3. Avoid Jargon for Better Communication

Recruitment messages should always be presented clearly and easily understood. Avoiding jargon is a must as it may confuse the audience through wordiness or vague terms. Moreover, it can completely defeat your intent to communicate with clarity.

If there’s no other way for you to express an idea except to use jargon, make sure to define technical terms. However, keep definitions to a minimum. It would be best if you can use any recruitment CRM platform to naturally communicate, not to impress with less jargon.

4. Evaluate and Test the Message

Test the message by communicating with members of the target group. To check if it’s easily understood, deliver the message in a way that can appeal most to their interests.

Avoid making a mistake in writing volunteer recruitment that may appeal to you but with a message that lacks meaning to the audience.

Example: Whether you’re a literary expert or a passionate writer, we have a place for you. If you are willing to offer writing tips and strategies to young students, send us an email now to

5. Create an Interesting and Inviting Message

A recruitment message’s primary purpose is for an agency to contact the potential volunteer for discussion. This means that the message should be aimed at getting the prospective volunteer to visualize themselves successfully becoming a volunteer.

Example: Celebrate the Month of Love by helping Filipinos affected by the Mayon Volcano eruption. Help DSWD National Resource Operations Center (NROC) in the repacking of relief goods to offer emergency assistance for the victims.

Three Pillars of a Persuasive & Attention-Grabbing Call for Volunteers Appeal

Three elements determine a compelling call to action that creates urgency and drives users to action: a visually appealing graphic design, a user-friendly interface, and an impactful message that instantly gets the audience's attention.

When all three of these elements are present, they can create psychological reactions or triggers in the human brain that can increase momentum.

Visually Appealing Design

visually appealing design

Visual design is focused on aesthetics and related materials that include images, colors, fonts, and other elements. To be effective, it should always relate to the content on the page or function. For this reason, it can enhance the overall impact by engaging users and helping to build trust and interest in the brand.

Simplicity & Usability

Always focus on the message you want to communicate. Avoid unnecessary information as it can ruin the message and key points. When the message is simple, it focuses attention on the important details that are valuable to readers.

Volunteer-Centric Copy

volunteer centric copy

A volunteer-centric copy puts the volunteer at the center of the message you want to communicate. To do this, you have to involve or remember volunteers in developing key roles and job descriptions. Later on, you can ask for their comments and suggestions when improving or revising roles and responsibilities.

6 Volunteer Recruitment Strategies

When it comes to recruiting volunteers, a direct approach is paramount. In order to ensure a smooth recruitment process, here are some effective strategies.

How to Ask for Volunteers

Ask Directly

Making a direct ask is crucial when recruiting volunteers. Be very clear and specific in describing the roles, tasks, and time commitments needed from volunteers. Provide details like the date, time, location, and expected hours for the volunteer opportunity.

Asking directly shows you value potential volunteers' time and skills. Follow up the initial ask by explaining why their contribution matters. Share your organization's mission and impact goals. Help them feel their role is meaningful.

Use a variety of channels

Use a variety of outreach channels like email, social media, your website, and in-person events. Segment your contacts and customize messages for each group based on their interests and motivations. For example, young professionals may want to gain experience, while retirees may want to feel purpose.

Get Specific

Describe the specific tasks you need help with

Don't just say generic phrases like "volunteers needed." Clearly explain the specific tasks and duties required from volunteers.

List the skills and experience required

Provide a detailed job description highlighting the most important responsibilities. Specify which tasks require certain skills or experience. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be for potential volunteers to envision themselves in the role.

Be very clear about the required and preferred qualifications. List any skills, experience, availability, physical requirements, age limits, or other attributes needed from volunteers. For example, note if volunteers must commit to a regular schedule or have flexibility.

The more transparent you are upfront, the more likely you'll find volunteers well-suited for the role.

Be clear about the time commitment

Precisely communicate the time commitment needed from volunteers. Specify the exact date(s), times, frequency, and total hours expected. Break down any training sessions. Explain if the schedule is flexible or fixed. Giving clear expectations will prevent misunderstandings later about the workload. It also shows respect for volunteers' time.

Focus on the Benefits

Emphasize the skills volunteers can gain and the connections they can make through your program. For example, highlight if they'll get experience relevant to their career goals or opportunities to network.
Share quotes and stories demonstrating the impact past volunteers made.

Specific examples will help prospects visualize the difference they could make as a volunteer.

Make It Easy

Have a clear and straightforward sign-up process to remove any friction for potential volunteers. Provide an online sign-up form on your website with fields to capture their contact information, availability, skills, etc.

  • Place prominent call-to-action buttons allowing visitors to easily access the form.
  • List contact information like an email address or phone number for any questions.
  • Respond promptly to volunteer inquiries and applications.
  • Send a thank you email to applicants right away. Follow up in a timely manner on any outstanding questions or next steps.
  • Guide accepted volunteers through any required paperwork, background checks, training sessions, etc.
  • Maintain open communication throughout the onboarding process.

The easier you make it for volunteers, the more likely they'll follow through.

Call for Volunteers Messaging: Inspiring Ideas and Real Life Examples

1. Offer Incentives

Providing the right incentive can encourage more people to participate, which can lead to fast signups even when you recuit volunteers online. To attract substantial ones, create a strategy on building a unique incentive plan that is appealing and unique to many.

Holding an online contest can be a great way too. For instance, you can hold an online contest that will require the first five users to complete 120 hours of service in one month to get the reward.

One example is Disney’s “Give a Day, Get a Day” initiative in 2009 that sought to promote volunteerism in the USA. Volunteers had to register online to work for a charity. Once the volunteer work was updated and verified on Disney’s website, volunteers got a free day at a Disney park. This initiative brought in one million sign-ups within two months.

2. Personalized Merchandise

Personalized or branded merchandise can create a sense of belonging to your members. It can help you establish a strong brand that is easily recognized and positively approved by others, which can extend to causes.

Merchandise that resonates with your cause can improve your promotional strategy. For instance, you can distribute reusable bottles, steel straws, paper bags, etc. to solve plastic pollution.

For example, PETA uses an identification strategy for volunteer recruitment. This helps people relate to their cause against animal cruelty more. They also offer branded merchandise so volunteers can show support for their cause by wearing or using apparel and accessories that contain the organization’s message.

3. Events With Safety & Planning Checklist

Exciting public events used to bring a lot of success when it comes to volunteer sign-ups. Now, you do not want to risk the health of your supporters by organizing a mega-gathering.

But that does not mean you give up on this volunteer recruitment idea completely. The internet offers us infinite opportunities to organize events and reach across geographies.

A perfect example is Bernie Sanders’s volunteer recruitment plan. Neil Young was invited to perform a guitar and harmonica solo, followed by Bernie’s speech. Thousands of fans and supporters joined them, but social distancing protocols were successfully put into place.

4. International Organizations or Universities to Improve Resume

While many individuals volunteer to make a difference in a community, some also apply to make job applications stand out. You can seek partners in Ivy League universities or other international organizations that may offer certification programs to attract individuals who want to boost their resumes.

Call for Volunteers Example Email Template

Template 1: Short and Sweet

Dear [name],

We need your help! Our organization is looking for volunteers for [upcoming event/project]. If you can spare some time to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Even just a few hours can make a big difference. Please let me know if you're available.

Thank you for considering!
[Your name]

Template 2: Detailed and Specific

Dear [name],

I hope this email finds you well. As you may know, [organization] relies heavily on volunteers to fulfill our mission of [mission statement]. We have an urgent need for volunteers for [specific upcoming event/project] on [date].

Specifically, we need help with:

  • [Task 1]
  • [Task 2]
  • [Task 3]

We expect this project to take approximately [number of hours]. If you have [required skills/experience], we would greatly appreciate your time and talent to make this event a success. Volunteering is a great way to [benefit to volunteers].

Please let me know by [date] if you can volunteer. I'm happy to provide more details. Thank you for considering!
[Your name]

Template 3: Personalized and Engaging

Hi [name],

I hope you've been well! I wanted to reach out personally to see if you would be willing to volunteer for our upcoming [event/project] on [date]. We really need people like you who care about [cause] and have [required skills/experience].

You may not know this, but I first joined [organization] as a volunteer over [number] years ago. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I've gotten to [share a personal story or impact]. That's why I'm so dedicated to our mission.

We would love if you could join us to [summarize need and project]. Please let me know if you can help out. I'm happy to discuss details. Even just a few hours can make a difference. Thanks for considering!

[Your name]

Top 5 Organizations Offering Volunteering Opportunities


If you are interested in volunteering for AUGS, you only need to complete the application process during its annual “Call for Volunteers” which usually occurs in May. However, AUGS may announce other volunteer opportunities available as well.

2. Associations North

Associations North calls for volunteers for its events and functions. For the organization, volunteering is a great way to give back, make a difference, and connect with others. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, you only need to fill out their application form.

3. National Council on Independent Living

National Council on Independent Living envisions a world in which people with disabilities are valued equally and participate fully. It has a multitude of ways that you can support the work they do like applying to become a volunteer or donating to its community.

4. North Beach

Nestled on the Chesapeake Bay’s western shore at the northern tip of Calvert County, the Town of North Beach epitomizes the land of pleasant living. The North Beach Special Events Committee is seeking volunteers to assist in planning, organizing, and working on all the great events they have to offer.

5. Council on Social Work Education

Council on Social Work Education is open to volunteers who are willing to be on one of 17 distinguished CSWE commissions or councils. Anyone can view the contributions of CSWE commissions and councils in their previous annual report.

Glue Up Event Management Software

If you have been organizing events and volunteering opportunities to empower a community and help others, be sure to book a demo of Glue Up’s Event Management Software. We'll show you how our all-in-one platform can automate event processes and enhance the attendee experience for volunteers.

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