8 Must-Have Member Testimonials to Boost Your Organization’s Credibility

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8 Must-Have Member Testimonials to Boost Your Organization’s Credibility

Content Writer
10 minutes read

You won’t gain trust in something unless another human approves of its reliability. That’s the power of testimonials. If you want to make your association a recognized name, gathering as many testimonials as possible is key. As Ron Kaufman said, "Testimonials describe what has been, and are a promise of what is to come."

Testimonials build trust and inform potential members about your service experiences, setting clear expectations for what they will gain from your association. This is a powerful way to promote your organization, not through self-promotion but through the voices of others. Trust is a vital currency, and nothing cultivates it better than authentic testimonials.

However, organizations often make the mistake of collecting testimonials of similar types, which can lead to redundancy. Hearing the same testimonials repeatedly is not engaging. To avoid this, it’s essential to gather diverse testimonials. If you’re unsure how to do this, you’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll guide you through the art of collecting testimonials.

Key Takeaways

  • Testimonials build trust and credibility for organizations, influencing potential members' decisions.
  • Gathering diverse testimonial types ensures a comprehensive representation of member experiences.
  • Real, spontaneous testimonials resonate better with potential members and enhance credibility.
  • Strategic placement of testimonials on websites and social media maximizes their impact.
  • Glue Up simplifies testimonial collection and presentation through centralized data, automated requests, and marketing integration.

Must-Have Types of Member Testimonials

To effectively showcase your membership's value, it's important to capitalize on a variety of testimonial types that speak to different experiences and member benefits. For instance, by gathering feedback from a diverse set of members, from regular participants to those in leadership roles, you can paint a comprehensive picture of what your organization offers. 

Below are the key types of testimonials to include to build credibility and influence potential members.

1. Standard Member Testimonial



A regular member testimonial provides a broad overview of a member’s overall satisfaction with the organization. This type of feedback typically covers satisfaction with general services, resources, and the value they receive from your membership

Stats show that positive testimonials on sales pages can increase sales by 34%. This highlights the significant impact of standard testimonials on attracting new members.

Example: "Being a member of this organization has opened up incredible networking opportunities and access to resources that have greatly benefited my business."

2. Young Professional Member Testimonial

Younger members often seek growth opportunities, mentorship, and career advancement. Highlighting testimonials from young professionals shows how your organization nurtures the next generation of leaders

These testimonials often touch on mentorship programs, early-career guidance, and skill development, demonstrating the value provided to new professionals.

Example: The mentorship program gave me invaluable advice that helped me navigate the early stages of my career. I also had the chance to network with industry experts, which boosted my confidence.

3. Committee Member Testimonial

Members who have taken on leadership roles, such as serving on committees or task forces, can offer unique insights into how the organization supports professional development and community engagement

Committee members' testimonials can highlight how these leadership opportunities helped them expand their skills, make meaningful contributions, and boost their visibility within their industry.

Example: Serving on the membership committee has been an enriching experience. I've contributed to important initiatives while also enhancing my leadership and project management skills.

4. Conference Attendee Member Testimonial

Testimonials from members who have attended conferences or other key events can emphasize how these experiences have enriched their knowledge, network, or career. 

These testimonials are particularly effective in showing the direct value of your events, such as opportunities for learning, meeting industry leaders, and expanding professional connections.

Example: Attending the annual conference provided a wealth of knowledge and connections that I wouldn't have found anywhere else. The sessions were incredibly informative, and I left feeling more equipped to tackle my career goals.

5. Case Study Testimonials

In-depth case studies serve as powerful tools to showcase a member’s journey, detailing the challenges they faced and how your organization helped them achieve success. 

Case study testimonials often provide concrete examples of how membership led to measurable benefits, such as increased revenue, new clients, or professional growth.

Example: After joining, our company saw a 20% increase in revenue due to the connections we made through the organization. The support and guidance we received were instrumental to our growth.

6. Video Testimonials



Video testimonials add a personal touch, allowing members to speak directly to potential members about their positive experiences. These videos often feature members explaining how your organization’s services or events have made a difference in their professional or personal lives. 

Because of their visual and emotional impact, video testimonials tend to resonate more with audiences. In fact, video testimonials can increase website traffic by 157%, making them a powerful tool for engaging potential members and showcasing your organization's value.

Example: Watch as Sarah shares how attending the organization’s events not only expanded her professional network but also gave her new business insights.

7. Social Media Testimonials



Spontaneous feedback on social media platforms works like magic in your favor; as per reports, 46% of users turn to Facebook to find local reviews. Besides Facebook, reviews on other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn can also be highly effective. 

These are real-time, unfiltered reviews that members post independently, offering a raw and authentic view of their experience with your organization. Highlighting these can show that your members are so satisfied they feel compelled to share their thoughts publicly.

Example: A tweet saying, "Just attended another great networking event from @YourOrganization! Always walk away with new ideas and connections!"

8. Press Testimonials

Press testimonials, including positive mentions in media outlets, interviews, or quotes from industry publications, lend third-party credibility to your organization. This type of testimonial highlights the value recognized by outside experts and can serve as an unbiased endorsement.

Example: In a recent feature by [Industry Magazine], the organization was praised for its commitment to helping businesses thrive through meaningful connections and strategic guidance.

Why Lack of Testimonials Can Hurt Your Organization

Establishing trust is crucial for any organization. The absence of testimonials risks losing potential members and clients who seek validation from others before making decisions. 

Here are several ways a lack of testimonials can negatively impact your organization:

  • Diminished Credibility: Testimonials serve as social proof, reassuring potential members that your organization delivers value. If they are missing, your claims may come off as mere marketing fluff, leading to skepticism.
  • Reduced Engagement: People often look for real experiences shared by others before engaging with a brand. Not having testimonials can result in a disengaged audience, as potential members may feel uncertain about the benefits of joining.
  • Limited Reach: Positive testimonials can be powerful marketing tools, amplifying your reach and attracting new members. Lacking this feedback means missing out on organic promotion that can arise from satisfied members sharing their experiences.
  • Missed Opportunities for Improvement: Testimonials not only highlight what you’re doing well but also provide insights into areas that may need enhancement. Without this feedback, you may overlook critical aspects that could improve your services and member satisfaction.
  • Stunted Growth: Organizations that fail to showcase testimonials may struggle to grow their membership base. In a world where consumers rely on peer reviews, lacking this essential element can hinder your organization's ability to expand.

Incorporating testimonials into your marketing strategy is beneficial and essential for building trust, enhancing credibility, and driving growth. Don’t let the absence of testimonials prevent your organization from reaching its full potential.

How to Gather and Present Member Testimonials

Collecting and showcasing member testimonials is a vital step in building your organization's credibility, but it requires a strategic approach to ensure the feedback is both authentic and impactful. 

Below are key tips for gathering testimonials from different types of members and best practices for presenting them effectively across your platforms.

Tips for Collecting Authentic and Diverse Testimonials

  • 1. Direct Requests: The easiest way to gather testimonials is to ask directly. Reach out to members via email, surveys, or during events and ask if they would be willing to share their experiences. Make the process simple by providing specific questions or a prompt to help them craft their response. Example Prompt: "Can you share how being a part of our organization has impacted your professional journey?"
  • 2. Capture Testimonials in Real Time: Conferences, events, or networking sessions are great opportunities to collect immediate feedback. Set up a testimonial booth or encourage attendees to share their experiences during or right after events when the value is fresh in their minds.
  • 3. Leverage Social Media: Encourage members to share their experiences organically on social media. You can create hashtags or prompts for members to post about your organization. Monitor these channels for spontaneous testimonials that you can share (with permission).
  • 4. Diverse Perspectives: Make sure to collect testimonials from a variety of members, such as new members, long-term members, young professionals, and those in leadership positions. This diversity will ensure that potential members from all backgrounds can relate to the testimonials you showcase.
  • 5. Use Surveys and Feedback Forms: Periodic member satisfaction surveys and feedback forms are excellent ways to gather testimonials naturally. Include an option for members to submit their comments for use as testimonials on your website or marketing materials.

How to Effectively Present Testimonials on Your Website, Social Media, and Other Marketing Platforms

Testimonials are powerful tools for building trust and credibility, but how you present them can significantly influence their impact. 

Here are some effective strategies for showcasing testimonials across various platforms:

Website Testimonials Page

Create a dedicated page on your website that showcases a variety of testimonials. Organize them by category, e.g., young professionals, event attendees, and committee members, for easy navigation. Adding headshots or videos can make the testimonials more personal and relatable.

Embed Testimonials Throughout Your Site

Don’t just confine testimonials to a single page. Place them strategically throughout your site, such as on the homepage, membership signup page, and event pages. This ensures that potential members are continually reminded of your organization’s impact.

Video Testimonials on Social Media

Video testimonials are highly engaging and shareable, making them perfect for social media platforms. Short clips from satisfied members can be posted on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook, where potential members can easily discover and engage with them.

Rotating Testimonials in Email Campaigns

Incorporate member testimonials into your email marketing campaigns. Add a rotating testimonial section that features a different member’s feedback in each newsletter or promotional email. This keeps your message fresh and reminds readers of their peers' positive experiences.

Highlight Testimonials in Presentations and Brochures

Testimonials can also be useful in presentations and printed marketing materials. To reinforce your organization's credibility, include quotes or video snippets in presentations at events, conferences, or during member recruitment pitches.

Interactive Testimonials on Landing Pages

Create interactive testimonial sections on landing pages where potential members can filter feedback based on their interests. For example, they can select to see testimonials from event attendees, young professionals, or business owners, allowing them to find stories that are most relevant to their needs.

Following these tips for gathering and presenting testimonials will allow you to leverage the power of authentic member experiences to boost your organization’s credibility and influence potential members to join.

Maximizing Member Testimonials with Glue Up



An association management solution has so much to offer when it comes to collecting testimonials. The AI-powered AMS, like Glue Up, can play a crucial role in streamlining your organization’s processes while providing robust features for testimonial collection. 

Here’s the list of features that Glue Up offers:

Centralized Data Collection

Glue Up allows associations to centralize the collection of testimonials from members. Easy-to-use forms and automated workflows simplify the process of gathering feedback, allowing for consistent capture of member experiences.

AI Copilot

The AI Copilot is your writing assistant and lets you generate professional testimonial requests effortlessly. Beyond testimonials, it can also create event descriptions, survey descriptions, and email content, streamlining your communication efforts and saving valuable time.

Integration with Marketing Tools

Glue Up integrates seamlessly with email marketing and social media tools, making sharing testimonials in campaigns easy. Effectively utilizing member feedback allows reaching a broader audience.

Analytics and Reporting

Tracking testimonial performance through engagement metrics provides insights into which testimonials resonate most with the audience. This understanding allows for refining approaches and focusing on sharing the most impactful stories.

Member Recognition

Including testimonials in marketing materials showcases the organization's value and recognizes members' contributions. Glue Up highlights testimonials in newsletters, on websites, and through social media, enhancing member engagement and loyalty.

Utilizing Glue Up's capabilities enables associations to manage their testimonial strategy efficiently, building trust and credibility while ultimately driving growth and member satisfaction.

Interested in learning how Glue Up can enhance your testimonial collection process? Consider booking a demo.

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