How to Write a Compelling Membership Invitation Email [with Samples, Examples & Templates]

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How to Write a Compelling Membership Invitation Email [with Samples, Examples & Templates]

Marketing Intern.
Content Strategist
18 minutes read
Last updated: March 01, 2024

Last Updated: February 2, 2024

Membership invitation email enhances membership acceptance, improves the chance to build valuable relationships, and increases your number of members.

They allow you to be passionate about your business and emphasize all you have to offer - this alone can be extremely persuasive.

But the question is: how do you make your membership email stand out? - Letā€™s take a look.

Looking for event invitation emails instead? Check this article out!

Key Takeaways

  • Well-written membership invitation emails are important for building relationships, establishing trust, and improving membership acceptance rates.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 am, and 8 pm tend to be the best times to send membership invitation emails when people are likely to open them.
  • Emphasize the sense of community, exclusivity, urgency, branding, visuals, trust-building, clear CTAs, mobile responsiveness, and follow-ups in your emails.
  • Promote upcoming events and offer exclusive perks to motivate recipients to accept the membership invitation.
  • Use software like Glue Up to efficiently handle bulk email sending, scheduling, personalization, templates, analytics, list segmentation, and compliance. This optimizes deliverability and engagement.

What Is the Importance of Crafting a Well-Written Membership Invitation Email?

invitation emails

Have you ever received an email that just made you go ā€˜Wowā€™?ā€.

Because in membership invitation emails, first impressions matter. It not only helps in higher open rates but in higher conversion rates.

A well-written membership invitation helps leaders in association and chamber space in achieving their membership growth goals.

In the cluttered space of an inbox, it is essential that your email stands out from the rest. 

Take, for instance, a new association formed in a busy city and looking for people to join them. Instead of a generic ā€œJoin Our Associationā€ subject line, how about making it more impactful with subject lines like ā€œUnlock Endless Business Networking Opportunities: Exclusive Membership Waiting for You!ā€? See, now thatā€™s eye-catching!

Once you get their attention, you have to pique the interest of your potential members and captivate them. by sprinkling some facts.

Referring back to our Association example, you could entice the email invitation recipients by revealing a sneak peek into your next event where notable business people will speak and network with the attendees.

After you pique their interest, show them exactly what they are going to get by accepting your invitation to build their desire and seal the deal.

Being clear and concise will go a long way in helping you get more conversions out of those invitations. Nobody wants to read emails that are confusing and lengthy.

After building a desire for your membership offer, itā€™s time to inspire action.

Let your email recipients know exactly what they are supposed to do to get on board. Rather than generic CTAs that say ā€˜Learn moreā€™ in your invitation email, be more specific in your Call to Action and inspire action from the readers at a higher rate.

ā€˜Become a member nowā€™ or ā€˜Sign up for a free basic membershipā€™ will take the guesswork out on the part of readers, and help them know what exactly is expected from them i.e. joining your organization.

Why Is Personalization Important in Membership Invitation Emails?

Tailoring the email content to the interests and preferences of the recipient can make them feel valued.

Personalized greetings and email content relevant to the profession, interests, or hobbies of your members will resonate with them, encourage them to engage with you more and improve the chances of them accepting your membership offer.

Why Do Membership Invitation Emails Need to Be Clear and Concise?

Itā€™s crucial to be clear in your membership invitation email about the benefits of membership and whatā€™s in it for the recipients without overwhelming them with too much information.

Clarity ensures they understand what theyā€™re signing up for and are more likely to accept your membership offer.

When Is the Best Time to Send the Email?

email sending time

Each day, the average office worker will receive around 120 emails per day!

This is why yours needs to be sent at just the right time so that out of those 120 emails, they read yours! It is suggested that the best time to do this is Tuesday and Thursday, at 6 am; as most of us start our day by reading emails, 10 am and 8 pm as we wind down for the day.

Likewise, logically thinking, the best time to send a membership invite could be when you have new events coming up that you would love to share with new members or you have a new product launch.

Or if you want to get those memberships, you could do both!

Send your membership invitation email at 10 am on Tuesday, as your biggest event of the year approaches.

What Are the Steps to Write a Perfect Email Invite?

Hereā€™s a quick example

Sender: James Smith from Glue Up. Subject Line: Become a member today, Rachel.


Dear Rachel Lee,

I am delighted to invite you on behalf of [company] to become a member today.

[What the company does]

[Membership benefits] Here are some great perks you get for becoming a member:

  • Enjoy members-only webinars
  • Reduced event fees
  • Exclusive VIP event entry.

[Upcoming events] Also here are a few upcoming events that I thought might be of interest to you, we would be delighted if you could join us......

Now, the important details - click here to sign up today and read more about [company].

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at our next event.

Best regards, [Name] [Signature].

Subject line

Firstly, itā€™s important not to underestimate the power of a good subject line - 47% of recipients open emails based on the subject line alone!

So simply state within the subject line what the email is essentially about making it clear, but to ensure the email is opened add the recipientā€™s name to make it more personal. Are you working with a large list of contacts?

Try leveraging email marketing software to help personalize lines of text with merge tags, that change the recipient's name in the salutation based on their email address and that address's name attached to it within your database.


Dr. Danielle McCamey, Founder, CEO, and President of the DNPs of Color

"I definitely recommend Glue Up to other non-profit organizations. Glue Up provides high-quality customer service and packages that can be customized to specifically meet your needs. Because Glue Up truly wants to see your organization become successful, the customer success team is very instrumental in helping you learn the platform and become more independent. As a result, we now work more efficiently, effectively and have quadrupled our member engagement and contact base since we signed on a year ago."

Dr. Danielle McCamey
Founder, CEO, and President: DNPs of Color
Read the full case study here >

Opening line

In addition to finding their emails, you must find out the recipients' first and last names to mention in the salutation.

It makes it more intimate and encourages the recipient to read on with a positive attitude (if itā€™s not possible to find the addressessā€™ name ā€™Dear Sir/Madamā€™, is fine.

The opening lines of the email are the first thing the client will see - so make sure you are setting the right tone to continue the rest of the email, here are a few ideas of what you could start with:

We are delighted to invite you to join.... It is our pleasure to invite you to join.... Our company would be delighted to have you as a member.... I am pleased to invite you to join....

Main body

This is your chance to highlight what you do in your organization (awards) and how becoming a member can positively benefit the addressee.

Here you could express any membership privileges that are offered such as reduced event fees, exclusive VIP event tickets, or member-only webinars.

Include how members help your business e.g. continuous support and help build your network.

Also now is a good time to promote any upcoming events that you may have, even better if you can tailor these events to the recipients' interests and preferences to enhance the membership potential.

Before ending the main body of your email it is important to ensure you have included a quick and easy way to sign up - people are more likely to sign up there and then if it is hassle-free and cheaper. E.g. ā€˜click here to sign up today and enjoy 25% off the first 3 monthsā€™.

The email is usually limited to one page but may be extended if you have the necessary attachments.

Closing statement and signature

email signature

The closing statement is your last chance to leave a lasting impression so make sure to thank the recipient for their consideration and reiterate the link to sign up.

Likewise, express your pleasure in having them become a member. Here are a few phrases you may find helpful:

We hope you will accept our invitation to join us..... We thank you for your consideration to join..... We would be delighted to have you become part of our team.... Donā€™t forget to sign up today and get 25% off your first 3 months.... We look forward to welcoming you as a new member...

Lastly, include your contact information and encourage them to openly contact you with any questions they may have - if writing on behalf of a company, including your title.

Signing off - this can be simply done by typing your name or using an electronic signature - this tends to be a more thoughtful approach via email, if you donā€™t have one already hereā€™s how you can get started.

Writing Membership Invitation Emails Using AI

ai copilot for campaigns
Instead of working on all these areas, you can get the whole email with a click.

While numerous online tools are available, Glue Up AI Copilot is uniquely integrated within the AMS itself, thereby eliminating the time typically spent on the copy-paste routine associated with tools like ChatGPT or Bard.

This integration allows you to edit and send emails directly from the platform, increasing efficiency and minimizing the likelihood of errors.

To utilize Glue Up AI Copilot, simply navigate to the email campaign section and begin drafting your new email. After hitting the space bar, enter your prompt, and with one more click, you will obtain the complete email. 

Final Things to Remember!

    • Proofread!!
    • Make it as personal as you can
    • Keep it short and easy to follow
    • Be authentic, do not use unnecessary flattery
    • Try not to use ā€œDear memberā€ - remember it needs to be personal
    • Donā€™t forget to add contact information.

Looking for a way to send better emails to your members? Book a Demo today and we'll show you how Glue Up is helping organizations like yours send the best emails possible.



Why emphasizing the sense of community is important in making my membership invitation emails successful?

In your membership email invitations, emphasize the benefits of being a part of the larger community to your recipients.

How accepting your membership offer can help the recipients in expanding their business and professional network and help them get support and collaboration they need in their business and professional endeavors.

Remember, a strong motivator of engagement is a sense of belonging.

Why is a sense of exclusivity and urgency important in membership invitation emails?

For writing effective membership invitation emails, you have to incorporate elements of exclusivity, like ā€œlimited slotsā€ or ā€œexclusive benefits,ā€ and a sense of urgency, like ā€œsign up in the next 48 hours,ā€ to create psychological triggers making them more inclined to accept your membership invitation swiftly.

Why branding and visuals are important in membership email invitations?

In order to make the content of your membership invitation email relatable and engaging, coherent branding with aesthetically pleasing email design is a must-have.

Visually appealing email designs can also help you in projecting a positive image of your association or chambers, and thatā€™s one of the areas where Glue up shines. Our email marketing module offers an easy-to-use email editor along with some ready to use, visually appealing email templates.

Moreover, adding emojis in a subject line and body of your email can give a friendly touch to your invitation. Emojis not only add personality but can also improve click-through rates by catching your potential members' eyes.

This contemporary approach can make your communication more lively and relatable.

Be sure to check out the example email samples and templates at the end of this post. We've included some cute emojis that are sure to make a splash. Donā€™t miss them!

How do you build trust among potential members in your membership invitation emails?

For building credibility and trust, include testimonials from your satisfied members or success stories to make your offer.

Testimonials and success stories from other members, especially those highlighting how it benefited them will remove fear and anxieties from the minds of your potential members and help them see the positive experiences of others, making them more likely to want to be a part of your organization.

Why is a clear CTA in your membership invitation email so crucial?

email cta

If you want your recipients to convert into a paying member at a higher rate, you have to guide them on what step to take next by providing them with a clear and concise CTA in your membership email invitation.

Whether itā€™s clicking a button to visit a page to learn more about your membership offer, or filling out a form, making this action simple and straightforward increases the likelihood of acceptance.

How important is it for your membership email invitations to be mobile-friendly?

The number of people reading emails on their mobile devices is growing at a fast rate.

Therefore, a mobile-responsive invitation email design is a must to make sure your potential members have a good user experience reading your invitation email on smaller screens.

Mobile friendly email design not just ensures a smooth experience for your potential members, but also improves the ā€˜reachā€™ of your emails by delivering your invitation to every potential member in your list regardless of the device they are using.

How important is it to follow up with members once you send them a membership invitation email?

To complement your email invitation strategy, you have to give an impression to your potential members that you care about them and are available for them by employing a thoughtful email follow-up strategy.

When you send a gentle reminder or additional information to your readers, it helps in capturing the attention of those who might have missed or overlooked the first email.

Can membership invitation emails help in promoting upcoming events?

Yes, our customers have seen success in their membership invitation acceptance rate by offering exclusive benefits or perks to those who sign up for membership and attend the event.

From priority seating and special discounts to access to exclusive sessions our association, chamber of commerce and nonprofit organization customers offer different incentives to motivate potential members to join as a member and participate in the event and meet with great success.

What is an example of a good membership invitation email for Associations?

Subject: Unlock Your Potential: Join Our Vibrant Professional Community! šŸš€

Hello [First Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out to you on behalf of [Association Name], and I am super excited to share something that I genuinely believe could be a game-changer for you!

[Association Name] is a thriving professional community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about [industry/field]. Whether youā€™re a seasoned pro or just starting in your career, our association is committed to providing you with endless opportunities for growth and networking. 

Hereā€™s a sneak peek of what's waiting for you:

šŸ”¹ Expert Webinars: Gain insights from industry experts through our exclusive webinars.

šŸ”¹ Networking Events: Mingle with peers and establish valuable connections that can open doors.

šŸ”¹ Learning Resources: Access a rich library of learning materials to keep you at the top of your game.

šŸ”¹ Mentorship Programs: Get matched with mentors who can guide you in your professional journey.

šŸ”¹ Member Discounts: Enjoy discounts on certification programs, conferences, and much more.

šŸ”¹ Voice & Impact: Contribute to the community and make a difference in the industry.

Now, imagine having all these incredible resources at your fingertips! šŸ˜Š

But wait, there's more! As a special bonus, if you sign up before [Date], youā€™ll get your first year of membership at a 20% discount. This is our way of saying thank you for being an early adopter of excellence.

Signing up is super easy, just click here [Insert Link], and it takes less than 5 minutes.

Joining [Association Name] is more than just being part of an association; itā€™s about being part of a family that empowers each other to achieve greatness.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to skyrocket your career. The [Association Name] family is waiting to welcome you with open arms. šŸ¤—

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Association Name]

P.S. Feel free to reach out to me personally at [Your Email] if you have any questions or would like more information. Iā€™m here for you!

What is an example of a good membership invitation email for Chambers of commerce?

Subject: Elevate Your Business with Exclusive Perks at [Chamber Name]! šŸŒŸ

Dear [Business Owner/Decision Maker's Name],

Happy [Day of the Week]! I hope your day is off to a fantastic start. Iā€™m reaching out from the ever-energetic [Chamber Name], and Iā€™ve got an incredible opportunity Iā€™m thrilled to share with you!

Our chamber has been a cornerstone in the local business community for [number of years] years, and we take pride in catalyzing success for enterprises just like yours. By becoming a corporate member of [Chamber Name], you'll be joining an elite group of businesses that enjoy an array of exclusive benefits, all tailored to boost your growth and prosperity. šŸš€

Hereā€™s whatā€™s in store for our corporate members:

šŸ”¹ Networking Galore: Attend business mixers, luncheons, and exclusive events to create lasting relationships with potential partners and customers.
šŸ”¹ Business Exposure: Amplify your brand visibility through our marketing channels and directory listings. šŸ”¹ Advocacy and Support: Get your voice heard on policies affecting local businesses and have a steadfast ally in the Chamber.
šŸ”¹ Learning and Development: Engage in workshops, webinars, and programs that empower your team with the latest industry know-how.
šŸ”¹ Discount Programs: Save on essential business services, office supplies, and more through our member discount programs.
šŸ”¹ Community Impact: Contribute to a stronger local economy and make a meaningful difference.

And guess what? As a special welcome, weā€™re offering a 15% discount on the first year of corporate membership for businesses that join before [Date]. This comes along with a featured spotlight in our newsletter that reaches hundreds of local business leaders!

Ready to take your business to new heights? Joining is a breeze - just click here [Insert Link].

Our community at [Chamber Name] is enriched by the diverse and vibrant businesses that call it home, and we would be thrilled to have [Your Business Name] amongst us. Together, letā€™s create waves of positive impact!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Chamber Name]

P.S. Iā€™d be delighted to chat more about how [Chamber Name] can serve your unique business needs. Donā€™t hesitate to drop me an email at [Your Email] or call me at [Your Phone Number]. Let's thrive together! šŸ¤

What is an example of a good membership invitation email for nonprofit organizations?

Subject: Join Hands with [NGO Name] to Make a World of Difference šŸŒšŸ’™

Hello [First Name],

I hope this email finds you in high spirits. Iā€™m [Your Name], part of the passionate team at [NGO Name], and today Iā€™m reaching out with a heartwarming invitation to join our family of changemakers!

Our NGO is devoted to [briefly describe the cause, e.g., providing clean water to communities, supporting education for underprivileged children, etc.], and our mission thrives on the collective efforts of kind souls who believe in creating positive change.

By becoming a member of [NGO Name], youā€™ll play a pivotal role in transforming lives and shaping a better tomorrow. Here's what you can look forward to as part of our community:

šŸ”¹ Be a Voice: Advocate for those who need it the most and raise awareness about crucial issues.
šŸ”¹ On-The-Ground Involvement: Engage in volunteering opportunities, community projects, and events.
šŸ”¹ Skill-Based Contributions: Utilize your unique talents to contribute in diverse ways ā€“ from writing to mentoring, and more.
šŸ”¹ Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals who are equally dedicated to making a difference.
šŸ”¹ News and Updates: Stay informed with regular newsletters about the impact your support is making.
šŸ”¹ Personal Growth: Develop new skills and gain a deeper understanding of global issues.

And the best part? The joy of knowing that youā€™re part of something bigger than yourself, an unstoppable force of good thatā€™s changing lives every single day.

As a warm welcome, all new members who sign up before [Date] will receive a special welcome package including a [NGO Name] tote bag, a handwritten thank you note, and some other surprises!

Ready to embrace your inner changemaker? Joining is easy - click here to become a member [Insert Link].

Letā€™s combine our strengths, hopes, and dreams to create ripples of change that will reach every corner of our beautiful world. šŸ’«

With heartfelt thanks,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
NGO Name]

P.S. Iā€™d love to chat more about our initiatives and how you can get involved. Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Email]. Together, letā€™s make the world a kinder place.


How Glue Up can help in designing and sending a killer membership invitation email?

Glue Up offers a range of features from bulk email sending to easy-to-use email editor to streamline the process of sending out membership invitations, enhancing your email marketing efficiency and effectiveness.

Bulk Email Service

You donā€™t need to send invitations individually, which is time-consuming. Glue Up lets you upload a list of your recipients in CSV or XLSx format and send them email invitations simultaneously.


Glue Up has the capability to personalize your email invitations by inserting the ā€˜Personalization tokensā€™ (like name, membership type, etc.) in your email content, making each email relevant to its recipient. This increases the likelihood of the invitee accepting the invitation as they feel valued.

Email Editor & Templates

Glue Up email editor helps you create professional and reusable email templates that bring in consistency in design and branding, providing a unified experience to recipients but also increases credibility.

Email Scheduling

Glue Up comes with email scheduling features, helping you plan when your invitations should be sent, ensuring they reach the recipients at the most appropriate time. This increases the chances of your email being opened and read.

Tracking & Analytics

Glue Up software includes robust email tracking and analytics options, which help you analyze the performance of your email campaigns. We offer reports on open rates, click-through rates, bounces and other important metrics. With the campaign performance insights offered by Glue Up, you can optimize future membership invitations.


Sending bulk emails using Glue Up is more cost-efficient than traditional other email marketing software. You can reach a larger audience without breaking the bank.

List Segmentation

Glue Up allows you to maintain and organize your membership contact lists. This ensures that the invitations are sent to the right audience, and you can segment lists for more targeted communication.


Using Glue Up Email Marketing Software ensures that you comply with regulations like CAN-SPAM Act, by providing features like an unsubscribe option. This establishes trust with the potential members and protects your Association/Chamber of Commerce from potential legal issues.

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