26 Creative New Member Orientation Ideas for Onboarding

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26 Creative New Member Orientation Ideas for Onboarding

Last updated: February 23, 2024


In a professional landscape where 40% of members feel disconnected from associations, a strong new member orientation process is even more crucial in retaining them.

How so? Because if done right, a new member orientation program can:

  • Help new members get to know your company’s mission, code of ethics, and goals
  • Create a good first impression
  • Open the floor for questions
  • Serve as an icebreaker to help new joiners get acquainted with existing members

But how do you get new members up to speed without boring them to tears? Here are 20 creative new member orientation ideas to help you keep new members engaged and excited about their roles.

Key Takeaways:

  • A strong new member orientation process is crucial for retaining members, especially in a landscape where many feel disconnected from associations.
  • Creative orientation ideas, such as hosting a welcome breakfast, virtual team bonding events, and trivia nights, can keep new members engaged and excited.
  • Personalized approaches, like mentorship programs and customized onboarding plans, can help new members feel valued and set up for success.
  • Activities such as field trips, volunteering sessions, and team-building games can foster camaraderie and a sense of belonging among new members.
  • Platforms like Glue Up offer comprehensive solutions for association management, including features such as speed networking software to help new members quickly integrate into the community.

1. Host a Welcome Breakfast

welcome breakfast

Members tend to like you more when you give them a free meal. Hosting a welcome breakfast for new members is a good way to set the tone for their experience with your association. It also shows how committed you are to making them feel at home.

The breakfast table is a convenient place to introduce yourself and your team. It offers a safe space for new members to ask questions they may not feel comfortable with otherwise.

2. Host a Virtual Team Bonding Event

If you want new members to get acquainted with more experienced members in a fun, relaxed environment, host a virtual team bonding event.

Whether you’re doing virtual lunches, a Friday happy hour, or a virtual team webinar, a virtual team bonding event helps set up structured guidelines for communication where new members can relax and get to know their peers better.

3. Host a Trivia Night

trivia night

Trivia nights are fun and provide a convenient venue where members can socialize and network.

Trivia nights set the stage for collaboration among members. You can also give out prizes to the winners to ignite some friendly competition. Lastly, don’t forget to find a great host speaker to help members relax and have fun.

4. Send a Welcome Email

Done right, a welcome email helps set the stage for the new employee’s career at your company. To make the best of this new member orientation tool, include the following in your welcome email:

  • A brief intro to the organization
  • A breakdown of membership benefits
  • What to expect in the future
  • Links to relevant resources to help them get acclimated

Consider using an email template to ensure you tick all the boxes.

Read more:7 Steps to Crafting Your Ideal Membership Welcome Package

5. Create a Mentorship Program

New member orientation goes past the first day — pair them up with a mentor who can show them the ropes.

To create a mentorship program that provides new members with the right advice and guidance, set specific objectives, and equip mentors with the tools and resources they need to excel in their roles.

6. Gift New Members With Some Brand Swag


Giving new members some brand swag shows them your company cares and gives them a deep sense of belonging even during their first days.

Some popular swag items include pens, coffee mugs, tech accessories, and more. Whatever you come up with, make sure they match your brand identity.

Read more: Strong Event Branding Tips

7. Create a Welcome Video

A welcome video is a creative way to make new joiners feel you’re happy to have them on board. As an educational tool, orientation videos inform them about the additional training and professional opportunities you offer.

For greater impact, you may include a personal message from the CEO or a meet the team segment. Annie’s Homegrown’s welcome video does a terrific job in doing the latter:

8. Play the Human Knot Game

The Human Knot Game is a great team-building activity for new members because it involves everyone in the staff working together as a team to solve a puzzle. That helps to build trust and camaraderie between association members, which is important during onboarding.

Besides, getting new members tied up in knots makes for funny moments, which can eliminate any inhibitions among them and, in turn, make them feel more comfortable interacting with their fellow members.

9. Give a Tour of the Facilities

With a manager or a coach serving as a tour guide, you can show new members where they will work, how the company operates, and what their responsibilities will be.

The tour can also give them an understanding of your organizational culture and values.

10. Give Member Quizzes


Member quizzes help new members identify any gaps in their knowledge and let you address those at the start of their journey — with a clear idea of what they will be expected to achieve. Have them read some of your informational blog posts, watch instructional videos or explore your website before taking the quiz.

You can also foster healthy competition by offering swag prizes to top scorers. If you need help coming up with questions to ask in your quizzes, this template by Paperform may help.

11. Give New Members a Shout-Out on Social Media

With their permission, you can give new members a shout-out on social media to make them feel valued and appreciated. It also shows them you’re invested in their success and care about their personal brand.

You can either collect their information via email or in a form.

12. Organize a Field Trip

field trip

If you want new members to understand how to do their jobs effectively and be inspired about it, add an association field trip to your events calendar.

Think conferences, business workshops, or retail shop visits. These experiences are valuable because they help new members gain insights they can’t get from a typical working environment.

13. Host a Group Volunteering Session

If you want members to stick around, get them involved in the community. Better yet, give them an opportunity to help out by hosting a group volunteering session.

A volunteer or advocacy program instills pride in working for your company and gives them a sense of purpose in their work.

Read more: How to Craft a Persuasive Call for Volunteers Appeal To Recruit Volunteers Online?

14. Let New Members Choose a Project That Interests Them

If you want to keep your new members motivated to do their best work, encourage them to come up with a project they can be passionate about. That'll help increase the members’ overall satisfaction and foster a greater sense of responsibility for the association.

15. Host a Kickball Game

Host a kickball game to help new members get out of their shells and bond with other members (including fellow newbies). Like any ball game, a kickball game is a perfect opportunity to build camaraderie, nurture their competitive spirit, and teach them to make the most of their membership perks.

16. Plan a Team Night Out

Nothing brings people together better than a classic night out. By inviting new members to a team night out, you’re presenting them with an opportunity to socialize with their peers in a relaxed environment.

When conversing over drinks, new members are more likely to let down their guards and share more about themselves with other members.

17. Customize Your Onboarding Plan

If you want to set up new members for success in your organization, create a custom onboarding plan based on their skills, background, and experiences.

Every new member is unique, with their own strengths and limitations. By introducing them to company workflows, routines, and values in ways that play to their strengths, you’re putting them in a better position to use those strengths for the company's benefit.

18. Do an Association-Themed Scavenger Hunt

scavenger hunt

To make things interesting, turn the orientation process into a game of search and discovery via a company-themed scavenger hunt.

You can ask new members to find items that reveal helpful information about the association. A scavenger hunt is not only fun for new joiners, but it also creates opportunities for building relationships. Here’s a list of company scavenger hunt ideas to get you started.

19. Create a Member Benefits Breakdown

Give new members a good reason to stay by providing them with a benefits breakdown via multiple channels, including your association’s newsletter, a new member orientation Powerpoint presentation, an in-person session, or an FAQ section on your website. It also helps to send them monthly reminders about the perks of working for your company.

20. Host a Member Matchmaking Game

Hosting a member matchmaking game allows you to pair people with similar interests and forge enduring work relationships that will benefit your company.

Hand out questionnaires to each new member and collect insights about their personality. If you see a match, set up a virtual orientation meeting so they can get to know each other better. This game has many variations, so feel free to use what works best for your individual tiers.

21. Host a Speed Networking Session

Arrange a speed networking session where new members can interact with old members and get to know them in detail.

Whether in person or in a virtual speed networking session, this session provides a platform for members to familiarize themselves with the organization quickly.

Speed networking involves quickly interacting with all attendees, allowing new members to connect with existing members in a much shorter time compared to traditional networking.

Typically facilitated by a host, speed networking follows a round-robin style, where participants rotate through brief, timed interactions with each other.

This format allows participants, especially new members, to quickly connect with a large number of existing members, making it an efficient way to build relationships and networks within the organization.

Benefits of this session for new members:

  • Gain insights into the organization's culture and values
  • Establish connections with experienced members
  • Learn from the experiences and successes of old members
  • Receive guidance and mentorship from seasoned individuals
  • Feel inspired and motivated to participate in the community actively

Speed networking has proven to be a highly effective method, yielding fruitful results for organizations. It not only facilitates meaningful connections but also streamlines the onboarding process for new members. Platforms like Glue Up are making efforts to enhance this experience by making speed networking accessible to all associations, ensuring smooth interactions and valuable networking opportunities for members.

For more information regarding Glue Up’s speed networking software and how it works, you can get a demo here.

22. Create a Collaborative Project

Creating a collaborative project for new members can be beneficial in several ways. Here's the breakdown of these benefits:

  • Icebreaking: All members working together allows new members to break the ice. It helps them get to know other new and existing members.
  • Identifying Strengths: These projects help new members identify their strengths and apply their skills in creative ways.
  • Learning from Experience: New members learn from the experiences of existing members and easily adjust to the organizational environment.
  • Alignment with Culture and Values: Engaging in collaborative projects helps new members align with the organization's culture, values, and shared goals. It also promotes fresh and new ideas.

Overall, collaborative projects facilitate the orientation of new members. They become accustomed to the environment and are encouraged to collaborate with the community from the early days.

23. Organize a Book Club

Organizing a book club is another excellent option for new member orientation. You can select one or two industry-related books and ask new members to read and discuss them with existing members. This allows new members to share their ideas, express their thoughts, and see if they align with existing members. It promotes meaningful discussions and encourages collaboration within the community.

24. Offer Gamified Learning

Introducing an application or online platform with interactive games can offer new members a fun and insightful learning experience. The concept revolves around developing games tailored to teach newcomers about the community and organization.

Alternatively, setting up consoles for multiplayer gaming fosters a collaborative approach, ideal for building new relationships and promoting a healthy organizational culture. It's an innovative way to increase member engagement while facilitating their integration into the community.

25. Host a Virtual Coffee Chat

Arranging a coffee chat, preferably virtual, is one of the best ideas for new member orientation. All members, existing and new, would join and interact with each other. They can discuss their ideas, speak their minds, ask questions, and share insights with existing members.

Additionally, new members can inquire about their journey within the organization and the community. It's a relaxed and informal setting that encourages open dialogue and builds connections among members.

26. Create a New Member Resource Center

Creating a resource center for new members provides ongoing assistance that supports them throughout their tenure, ensuring they feel supported for years. This resource center would feature tutorials, learning resources, essential contact information, community goals, and guidelines.

Introducing new members to this resource center during orientation can be a valuable gift, equipping them with the tools and information they need to thrive within the community.

Utilizing comprehensive community management software like Glue Up enables organizations to create a resource center exclusively for their community. This center provides a platform where all media, documents, and member directories can be easily shared, enhancing communication and collaboration within the community.

You can find out more information about the platform here.

Final Thoughts

Membership management software

If you want your new members to stick around and reach their potential faster, give them an onboarding experience they’ll never forget.

That’s easier said than done, but with the above ideas to serve as inspiration, along with some emotional investment, your new member orientation can help you build an enduring relationship with your new members.

Would you like to create a stellar onboarding kit for your members that reflects your branding? With Glue Up, you can design welcome emails, newsletters, digital membership cards, and so much more. Book a demo of our all-in-one software and start engaging your members from day one!

Author’s Bio

Autumn Witter, a graduate of the illustrious Howard University, is an Associate Marketing Manager and SEO Strategist on HubSpot's Link Building team. When she's not talking about link building or SEO, you can find her in the recording studio making R&B hits, traveling, or studying for law school.

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