How Associations Can Forge Deeper Connections Between/Among Members

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How Associations Can Forge Deeper Connections Between/Among Members

Forging connections among members is really important for associations. The more connected your members feel to your organization, the more loyal and engaged they will be, which is beneficial for the growth and sustainability of your association.

These connections not only boost member retention but also encourage active participation and collaboration. However, many associations struggle with building these deeper connections, often due to a lack of personalized engagement strategies or insufficient communication channels.

Understanding the unique needs and preferences of your members is the first step toward bridging this gap and creating a thriving, interconnected community.

In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to forge stronger bonds within your community. Read on to learn more about how you can enhance member engagement and loyalty.

Key Takeaways

  • Forging deeper connections among members is crucial for associations. These connections lead to increased loyalty, active participation, and collaboration.
  • Strong member connections lead to enhanced learning and growth, boosted innovation and collaboration, increased member satisfaction and retention, and more effective advocacy efforts.
  • Effective strategies for forging deeper member connections include cultivating a culture of connection, leveraging technology, creating content-driven engagement, organizing events, and implementing recognition.
  • Organizing diverse and interactive events, building online communities, and utilizing automated workflows are key methods to enhance member engagement and foster deeper connections within associations.
  • Glue Up, an AI-powered association management software, supports member connections with features such as event management, community building, automated workflows, data-driven insights, mobile accessibility, integrated marketing tools, and AI Copilot for personalized content creation.

Why Member Connections Matter



Member connections are the foundation of any association, creating a sense of belonging and community. Strong connections lead to increased loyalty, event participation, volunteerism, and advocacy and also facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration, driving innovation and growth.

For instance, engaged members tend to stay four years longer than non-engaged members. Additionally, they spend 22% more than their non-engaged counterparts, contributing significantly to the association's revenue.

Connected members are more likely to renew their memberships and positively contribute to the association's culture. In essence, strong member connections are vital for the overall health and success of any association.

Here are the following reasons why member connections matter:

Enhanced Learning and Growth

Creating strong connections among members facilitates knowledge sharing and peer learning. When members interact regularly, they exchange valuable insights and experiences, contributing to each other’s personal and professional development.

However, this collaborative environment encourages continuous learning and helps members grow within the association.

Boosted Innovation and Collaboration

When members feel connected, they are more likely to collaborate on projects and initiatives. Members’ collaborative spirit can lead to innovative solutions and new ideas that benefit the entire association. Strong connections promote a sense of community, where members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and working together towards common goals.

Increased Member Satisfaction and Retention

Members who feel connected to their organizations are generally more satisfied with their membership. Such members are more likely to renew their memberships and participate actively in association activities. Increased member connections lead to a stronger sense of belonging, making members feel valued and appreciated, which in turn reduces churn rates.

According to reports, this is necessary because 54% of members won’t renew their membership because they are disappointed in the value of the available benefits and thus not satisfied. Addressing this issue through stronger connections can significantly boost member retention and satisfaction.

Enhanced Advocacy Efforts

Connected members are often more engaged and willing to participate in advocacy efforts. When members feel a part of a cohesive community, they are more motivated to support the association’s mission and objectives. Such collective efforts can amplify the association’s voice and impact on important issues, leading to more effective advocacy.

Strategies to Forge Deeper Connections among Members



We clearly understand the importance of deeper connections among members. However, you might be wondering how to actually achieve these deeper connections. To help you effectively connect with your members, here are some strategies we recommend:

Cultivating a Culture of Connection

Developing a culture that values and promotes connection is essential. This culture can encourage open member communication, mutual support, or collaboration among members. Associations can promote this culture by recognizing and rewarding members who actively contribute to building connections and by creating platforms that facilitate interaction and engagement.

Leveraging Technology for Connection

Utilizing technology can significantly improve member connections. Tools like mobile apps, online forums, and social media platforms allow members to stay connected regardless of their physical location. Virtual events, webinars, and online discussion groups provide opportunities for members to engage and interact, promoting a sense of community.

Building Connections Through Content

Creating and sharing valuable content can help build connections among members. Content that addresses members’ interests can spark discussions and interactions. Associations can encourage members to contribute content, share their expertise, and participate in content-driven activities like webinars, seminars, podcasts, and online articles.

Building Connections Through Events

Another effective way of building connections among members is through events. Here is how you can cultivate deeper connections through well-organized events:

Building Connections Through Recognition Programs

Recognition programs that celebrate member achievements can strengthen connections. Highlighting members’ successes and contributions propagate a sense of pride and community. Regularly recognizing members through awards, spotlights, and public acknowledgments can motivate others to engage more actively and contribute to the association’s goals.

Building Connections Through Mentorship Programs

Mentorship programs are effective in forging deeper connections among members. Pairing experienced members with newer ones provides opportunities for knowledge transfer and personal growth. These relationships can lead to lasting connections that benefit both mentors and mentees, enhancing their overall experience with the association.

Building Connections Through Chapter Networks

Chapter networks offer localized opportunities for members to connect and engage. Regional or special interest chapters provide a more intimate setting for members to interact, collaborate, and support each other. Encouraging the formation and active participation in chapter networks can strengthen the overall community within the association.

Implementing these strategies can help associations create a more connected and engaged membership, leading to improved learning, innovation, satisfaction, and advocacy efforts.

Glue Up: Empowering Deeper Member Connections



An association management software (AMS) is mandatory for building deeper member connections. Glue Up stands out as a leading AMS, supporting member connections and engagement with a comprehensive suite of features and tools designed for associations to prosper. As the first AI-powered AMS, Glue Up offers unparalleled capabilities.

Let's explore its features:

Event Management

The software simplifies event planning and execution, offering tools for organizing and promoting events, managing registrations, and tracking attendance, all of which boost member interaction.

Community Building

Glue Up provides a range of community-building features, including online forums, member directories, and social networking tools that facilitate continuous engagement and collaboration.

Automated Workflows

Automate routine tasks such as membership renewals, event reminders, and follow-up communications, freeing up time to focus on building meaningful connections with members.

Data-Driven Insights

Capitalize on data analytics to gain insights into member behavior and preferences, helping associations make informed decisions and tailor their strategies to better serve their community.

Mobile Accessibility

Glue Up’s mobile app, My Glue, guarantees that members can stay connected and engaged on the go, accessing event information, community discussions, and personalized content from anywhere.

Integrated Marketing Tools

The platform includes integrated marketing tools for creating and managing email campaigns, newsletters, and social media posts, amplifying communication and engagement efforts.

AI Copilot

Glue Up's AI Copilot is a powerful tool for crafting personalized content for various purposes. It helps write customized email campaigns, survey descriptions, event descriptions, and tailored content, confirming that your communication is engaging and relevant.

Overall, AI Copilot streamlines content creation, making it easier for associations to maintain consistent and effective communication with their members.

Glue Up facilitates associations that employ advanced technology to build stronger, more meaningful connections with their members, verifying long-term engagement and success. For more information on how Glue Up can support your organization, consider booking a demo.

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