7 Key Industry Trends for Multi-Chapter Associations

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7 Key Industry Trends for Multi-Chapter Associations

Content Strategist
7 minutes read
Last updated: December 13, 2023

The advent of AI has created a critical turning point in how technology is reshaping industries. As the leader of a multi-chapter association, you hold a pivotal role in embracing and leveraging these industry trends to optimize your operations and provide unparalleled value to your members.

In this blog post, we will explore the seven key trends that are reshaping the landscape of the association industry. Discover how these trends can empower your association to thrive in an ever-evolving environment, delivering enhanced experiences and fostering sustainable growth.

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1. Artificial Intelligence for Efficient Workflows


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, and multi-chapter associations can leverage its power to enhance member experiences and streamline operations.

Here are the top four ways AI is making an impact in multi-tier organizations:

  • Personalization: Utilizing AI algorithms to deliver personalized content, recommendations, and experiences to members based on their preferences and behavior.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Implementing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to provide quick and efficient member support and answer frequently asked questions.
  • Data Analysis: Using AI tools to analyze large datasets and extract meaningful insights, enabling associations to make data-driven decisions and develop targeted strategies.
  • Automation: Automating routine administrative tasks and processes to free up staff time and resources for more valuable activities.

“Every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years. What is coming at us is bigger than the original internet and you need to understand it, get on board with it, and figure out how to transform your business.”

Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media

2. Cloud-based Platforms for Seamless Experience

The migration to cloud-based technology continues to gain momentum among multi-chapter associations. This trend is likely to continue into the future for a number of reasons, including:

  • Cloud-based storage offers enhanced data security, accessibility, and scalability, allowing associations to securely store and share information across multiple chapters and remote teams.
  • They facilitate seamless communication and real-time collaboration, enabling teams to work efficiently regardless of their physical location.
  • They offer anytime, anywhere access to organizational data and tools, empowering chapter members to stay connected and productive regardless of their physical location or device.

Glue Up multi-chapter association management software is one such cloud-based platform for building associations from the ground up. It offers a range of powerful features that facilitate streamlined communication, event management, membership tracking, and financial administration for organizations with multiple chapters.

The software is gaining popularity due to its ability to simplify operations, increase coordination and maintain brand and data consistency across all chapters. This ensures that everyone in your organization is aligned with your mission.

“Our aim when designing chapter management was to give our customers a fast and efficient way of running their organization regardless of its size and complexity.
With our two-click model, not only have we made intricate management processes seamless, but we’ve essentially given leaders of multi-tiered organizations an overview of their entire operation in one place.”

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Glue Up

3. Virtual Collaboration and Engagement

virtual events

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual collaboration tools, and multi-chapter associations have quickly embraced this trend.

Virtual conferences, webinars, and online networking events have become the new norm, breaking geographical barriers and expanding reach.

To foster meaningful engagement, associations are heavily investing in:

  • Interactive virtual platforms facilitate networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and interactive sessions.
  • Gamification elements, such as virtual badges and leaderboards, add a fun and competitive element to these events, keeping members motivated and engaged.
  • Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences where members can engage in realistic simulations, explore interactive exhibits, and attend virtual conferences or trade shows
  • Speed networking platforms to enhance community engagement.

“We know that face-to-face meetings are very important to people’s professional and personal growth. With that in mind, we have improved our Speed Networking tool to better fulfill this purpose. With our smart matching technology, each connection is based on mutual interests.

With Glue Up’s Speed Networking 2.0, professional associations, chambers of commerce, and other professional communities will be able to host smart speed networking events virtually! This means other than sharing virtual business cards, taking meeting notes on each participant you network with, and scheduling a meeting after the event, organizations can now set parameters in which the participants will be matched.

This is a huge plus! Event organizers can now rightly match their participants hence avoiding meaningless interactions and adding more value to their clients.”

Craig Lehmann, Vice President of Global Sales at Glue Up

4. Community Building for Member Engagement

Social media platforms have become powerful tools for multi-chapter associations to connect with members and amplify their reach.

Associations are strategically utilizing community building to increase member engagement. They are moving from conventional social media platforms to more secure online communities that foster a sense of exclusivity and safety among members.

As a result, association leaders are able to:

  • Encourage active participation, collaboration, and a shared purpose, leading to increased member engagement and satisfaction.
  • Facilitates cross-pollination of ideas and continuous learning across chapters by exchanging knowledge, best practices, and innovative ideas.
  • Enable members to expand their professional networks beyond their local chapters.
  • Encourage chapters to pool their resources, reducing duplication of efforts and optimizing the utilization of shared resources.

These community platforms also allow you to track your member engagement, enabling you to develop personalized strategies and create targeted content that caters to your members' needs.

Read more: Increasing Member Loyalty through Data Security and Personalization

5. Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns

Given the growing dependence on technology, cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount concern for organizations. This is especially true for associations with multiple chapters where data is widely dispersed.

Thus, they need to take several measures to safeguard sensitive data including finances, members’ information, and online platform passwords.

Associations are now dedicating resources to implementing robust cybersecurity measures, conducting periodic audits, and equipping members with valuable resources and guidelines to enhance their own digital security practices.

They are also investing in robust platforms that contain high-security protocols and are compliant with GDPR laws.

“By some estimates, cybercrime is expected to globally cost up to $6 trillion annually. Losses of this scale put the incentives for innovation and investment at risk and will be more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined.”

David Kennedy, Founder of TrustedSec

6. Building Technical Expertise and Training

Recognizing the importance of technology expertise, associations are prioritizing the hiring of tech-savvy leaders for their chapters investing in training programs.

By recruiting individuals with a strong background in technology, associations can effectively implement and manage their tech-enabled strategies, ensuring a smooth digital transformation.

Since cybersecurity issues are becoming more common, association leaders are looking for tech talents to strengthen their security protocols, protect member data from breaches, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Investing in tech training and hiring also allows these associations to stay ahead of the curve. Thus, they can future-proof their operations, adapt to industry changes, and provide cutting-edge solutions to their members.

7. Diversifying Revenue Sources


Multi-chapter associations are diversifying their revenue streams to ensure financial stability and sustainability. This is especially true for nonprofit organizations that need constant funds for operating.

In addition to traditional membership dues, associations are exploring diverse revenue sources such as:

  • Capital campaigns
  • Virtual peer-to-peer fundraising
  • Partnerships and collaborations
  • Endowments and Planned Giving
  • Merchandise sales and licensing

This helps them to reduce their dependency on a single source and create new opportunities to fund their initiatives and drive their mission.

Now that you know about the key trends multi-chapter associations are following, start thinking about how you can implement them in your organization. Train your staff on emerging technologies and how to leverage them effectively.

Providing your leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills will not only optimize their workflow but also enhance member loyalty. Taking this approach will allow you to remain a step ahead of the competition, drive innovation, and advance your organization on its path to success.

For further information regarding effective chapter management through digitalization, click here to read our latest articles.

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