The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Glue Up team.
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Glue Up, a leading provider of AI-powered all-in-one membership management solutions, is proud to announce our strategic partnership with Cvent. This collaboration establishes Glue Up as a leader in…
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As a leader in an association or chamber, your time and resources are stretched thin…
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The way you engage with members is changing fast. Expectations are sky-high, tech is…
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As we close out 2024, we are excited to share some impactful updates we…
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If collecting membership dues is challenging, allocating them can be just as…
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Managing your association’s finances can feel like walking a tightrope, where one…
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Running an association or chamber of commerce often means juggling multiple…
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A successful community improves member experience, fosters relationships, and…
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Almost fifteen years ago, I started my lifelong journey as an entrepreneur. With my…
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Your community needs to be regularly adding new members and community outreach is a…
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If engagement is earned through human connections, then how do you measure those…
9 dakika read
Last Updated: May 15, 2024
Online community management software or…
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There are several community management software options available on the market, all…
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On April 16th, EventBank and Pico Group co-organized a panel discussion on the topic…
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Yesterday's Event Engagement: Driving Sales and Building Communities panel…
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Professional events today continue to be the best tool for bringing people together…
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A decade into the Digital Transformation movement, many businesses are still…
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A successful event depends on how much you charge for the tickets. While a…
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There is nothing better than watching your audience enjoy something you have worked…
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Do you find yourself constantly wondering whether your offerings resonate with your…
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At first glance, increasing your membership's value might seem straightforward.…
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Attracting new members is crucial for any organization, especially in an…
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Accurate contact information enables you to communicate effectively, tailor your…
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Sending membership renewal emails is an absolute must for associations, as it's the…
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Developing a membership strategy plan is essential if you're aiming to build a…
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ROI, or return on investment, is a key metric to calculate the value generated by…
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Are you constantly seeking ways to engage members, attract new ones, and demonstrate…
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When member organizations don’t focus on the right KPIs, they risk missing crucial…
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Where should associations go when choosing between payment gateways and processors?…
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Did you know that organizations with unified data sources are 2.5 times more likely…
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Most member organizations find themselves stuck when upgrading their AMS, wondering…
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As the holiday season begins, we're excited to unwrap our November product updates!…
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As the leaves change and temperatures drop (or climb), we provide an exciting new…
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Introducing our Glue Up AI Copilot that will transform the way you create content.…
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As summer came to its end, we ramped up our efforts to bring you more updates. In…
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August slipped away into a moment in time - but not our updates. We’ll start with…
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Are you ready to take your forms to new heights? After research and user feedback,…